Chapter 14

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"Zack has given us a suprise visit but we had plans to meet our relatives in Stavanger. And we are already rushing. We don't want him to travel once again. Is it okay if he stays here for a couple of days?"


Zack was going to stay here? Why can't he stay at his house?

Several questions crossed my mind.

"Mrs. Leslie its totally fine. I can manage it on my own. Mumma just doesn't listen."

"He says he can manage but he can't even wake up on his own. In his dorm its his roommate who does all the work for him."

"Its totally fine Zack. You stay here till your parents come back."

My mother agreed instantly.

"Mom I can return back."

Zack protested.

"You go and get your stuff. Keep your stuff in El's room. You both have to share one room. As I cannot share my bed with El because of my back pain."


Same room with Zack. It was going to be difficult. Very difficult.

Few hours later.

I was now watching The Twilight Saga - Eclipse.

Yes I was going to finish watching all the parts for the sixth time. I was obsessed with this movie.

"Vampires huh?"

Zack said sitting beside me on the couch.

"Yeah. I love it."

"But not everything shown here is true. Like the fact they cannot walk in sunlight. Vampires can go in sunlight. Its just that their powers are nullified during that time and it gets risky for them to step out and the enemies can harm them. So most of the vampires prefer staying in a safe place during day time."

His words made much more sense. Vampires can be called as the mixed breed of bats and humans. Bats stayed inside because they lost their vision in the daylight.

"Vampires thrive on blood but they can eat human food too. And they sleep too. The human body still needs to function like a human. The rest part which shows pale skin, cold blood is true. You cannot feel heartbeat but cold blood doesn't mean their body is freezing all the time. Cold blood means there is no blood circulation. The body temperature is low too but not freezing."

"Hmm.. You know a lot about vampires."

"Yeah I do. Vampires are deadly good looking. Any girl can get attracted to them but that is just their characteristic to attract its prey. They don't have sex with anyone. Its only their soul mate."

"I've heard a lot about this."

"Yes. Any supernatural being lives its entire life to meet and unite with its soulmate. Some have to wait for hundreds of years to unite with them, marry then and mate with them. A soulmate is their strength and weakness both. But both together are the most powerful creatures in the world."

"How do you know all this? How can you be so confident? You might be wrong in some places or in all the points too"

"No I can't"

I looked at him to explain further.

"I have read a lot about them. In ancient books, history and stuff."

"How do we recognize them?"

"Its not easy to recognize them. Everything they do is very secretive. Its not like the Cullen's who were the weirdos. Vampires mix themselves very nicely with the humans. Only if you find them feeding themselves on some human or animal only then you can recognise. Or if they let you know themselves."

"Are they really that fast?"

I pointed towards Edward in my TV screen running incredibly fast.

"Yes. They can hear your thoughts, get into your head and see your memories, few can see the dead and interact with them, very few can see the future. Vampires are amazingly strong. They can move mountains alone."

And the conversation continued for hours and my attention from The Twilight was drawn towards Zack. Not just his knowledge about the vampires.

It didn't take long for us to become close friends. He laughed out loud over my thought of falling in love with a vampire like Edward.

He did not sleep in my room as he understood that it was not a good idea.

Few hours later.

I kept on changing positions on the bed but sleep was not in a mood to embrace me. The only thing in my mind was Zack. I was concerned about his comfort.

He was sleeping on the couch in the living room and a couch was definitely not a good place to sleep in.

I groaned for the last time and threw my blankets away and walked in the living room to check on him. And he was doing the same that I was doing in my bed. Changing positions and groaning.

"Hey. You didn't sleep?"

I asked.


"Come in. I know the couch is not comfortable."

"Its totally fine El. I can manage."

"Get up now. Its 02:16 am and I did not come to argue."

I pulled off his blanket and walked towards my room. He obeyed me like a child and walked with me quietly.

Strangely we both slept after few minutes.

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