Chapter 22: No kissing ...

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Leo was going to say yes to the restroom before he was pulled closer. A smirk came to his lips as he rolled his hips against him to get a little grinding motion. "Mnnn... anything you want." His hands slide down his back and to his ass where he gripped the cheeks. "Though to me you look like you like it up the I right?" He asked as he pulled away and looked over at the door. "Restroom... Actually would be great." He placed his hand on the boys chin and tilt his head to kiss his cheek. "I won't be long" he followed directions to the restroom and brought his bag with him. He went in and used the sink to take a quick shower and cleaned himself up. Though he did take a couple towels and put them in his bag before coming out and back to Devin. He set down his bag and grinned at him. "Nice place..." he stepped forward. "So... What can you do to show me your worth my time"

Devin bit his lip as Leo began to feel him up. He wanted to say that he did enjoy taking it but that sounded rather uncool and needy so he decided to say something a bit naughtier " I only take it if you show your wordy of giving it " he teased as he tried to hide the fact that his heart was going to jump out of his chest.
He was a bit relieved that leo wanted a chance to get clean but that only made the wait that more nervous. He had no idea what to do, they should talk first right ?
But the moment leo came back from the bathroom with his wet Locks and dashing tan skin, devins heart dropped.
Talking...there's time for that later ...
He could feel himself getting hard as he walked towards the male. " fosters have a few bucks..." He said sounding like an idiot by saying that. He heard his comeback and " well why don't I get you in the mood to start " he said as he slowly led his fingers into the others pants and slowly caressed over them, teasing him. He leaned forward with flustered cheeks letting his lips stay really close to the males as he bashed his eyes deductively " want me to suck you? Get you in the mood ? Or you want a little tease first "

Leo pulled his lips away, "ah ah..." he lift his finger and put it to the boys lips. "I don't kiss." He grinned, "no offense...I only kiss one person." Even high he kept his one rule. He leaned forward and kissed his cheek down to his neck, "you said... to show you in worthy to top... Let me prove that to you." He pushed the boor back onto the bed and went onto his knees. "I'll suck you off to heaven" he unzipped him and pulled out his already hard cock. "Hmm... SomeOne is excited" he opened his mouth and started his job on devin's cock. Giving it some of his best tricks before pulling off with a pop and a string of saliva connected to the tip. "Am I worthy? "

Devin was shocked by his suddent reaction " you don't kiss .." He said as he gave the other a disbelieving look. Then he remembered that maybe leo didn't know it was him. After all he had grown up quite a bit

" only one person heh ?" He said trying to see what he would answer " and who is this lucky person ?" He said kind of nervous to hear the answer, yet he needed to know.

Yet the kisses he gave him and how he dominated him made Devin's mind go blank. As he heared his jeans where undone, he bit his lip.

He could act tought but he was not spice, he could probably not back up half of the things that he said.

" wait ...I haven't " he was about to say he wanted to take a shower to think over what he was going to to, but it was too late. Once the other started sucking him, Devin acted like he was reached.

He slowly arched his back as he gasped in pleasure, as the male was finding all his spots so easily.

" Leo, that feels good " he said as he heared the others question.

His mind wanted to say yes but his lips where trained to say something else " maybe , I need to see what your packing " he said as he gave him a seductive gaze. If Leo wanted to play bad boy, then devin would be his bad boy.

The madness (Leos and Devin's Story - Part 1) : AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now