Chapter 19: Looking for you...

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Two years passed while in the orphanage it felt like a lonesome forever. The nani's knew what Leo did and praised him for it. They knew what it took to do that, to let your best friend go so he could have a better life, so they went a little easier on him than they used too.
His pranks ended and started to become more violent. He would run away often from the orphanage and would come back bruised and maybe with a broken fist. Sometimes the police would even bring him back after he was caught stealing. Not even good stuff, just worthless shit he lifted just for the hell of it.
Leo was a lone man but there was some people on the streets he started to hang out with. Casually at first but then they started to let him into their gang. Which was the start of it all becoming much worse. The drugs, shop lifting on a larger scale and prostitution.
By the age 16 Leo was smoking marijuana and getting into fights everyday. His room in the orphanage smelled like ciggerates and dope 24/7 but he really didn't care. He only came back to shower, sleep, and eat but those visits became less and less until he stopped coming by at all. He never considered that place his home anyway, his only home was with his only love. Even if he was young, the feelings he had were real but none of that mattered now.
Leo was making some money while on the streets by turning a few tricks behind the local gay clubs, he favored one in peticular since it was located close to his dealer.
((Just imagined Jaxx and his dealer is the same person lol and they have met before and had sex lol))
Behind his favorite gay bar he was on his knees on the pavement next to a dumpster. His hands on a guys cock as he sucked him off for 50 bucks. 100 more if he wants anal.
This guy was obviously new to the gay scene since he kept looking around nervously. Probably not even out officially. Leo got one joy out of life and that was ruining people's lives, at least that made him smile. While the guy was so into it, leaning his head back and gripping onto Leo's long blue hair, Leo multitasked and grabbed a couple things from his wallet. Including his cellphone and snapped a couple photos before putting it away. Of course as quickly as a fox but since this guy seemed completely distracted by his skill it wasn't very hard.
He wished he could follow him home and see the look on his wife's face. Yes wife, there was a picture on his lock screen.
When he finished off the guy, he wiped his mouth and smiled, "hope to see ya again. Say hi to your wife for me"
The guys eyes widened and he quickly ran away, thinking how the hell did he know??
Leo laughed and took a piece of gum before sitting against the wall and pulling out a little life help. He tied up his arm with a rubberband to find the vein. Grin on his face as he injected himself into a new spot, there was about 6 marking on his arm. After a couple minutes and the drugs set in he started walking out to the streets, he needed a couple more customers before he could buy himself those shoes he wanted. Hey. It's hard to steal shoes and he had enough of a Record to stay in jail of he's caught again.
He leaned against the wall in short black booty shorts and a ripped up black tshirt that spoke the truth. 'Wasted youth'

Devin woke up hours later just to find himself on an airport. His new family had the great idea of moving back to England for a couple of months to work around some family business.
For the first few days Devin didn't say much, he just took pictures and kept a diary of his adventures. He usually ran into the forest to play with animals and take pictures of them, wich he later practiced drawing while he was alone in his room.
Devin felt a part of his heart was missing, Yet he knew that Leo would not like it if he was always gloomy and depressed so he put an effort to smile, even if it meant he was in a world of pain.
His fosters knew devin was not happy, and no matter how much he tried to smile and pretend he was ok, they knew there was something wrong.
They tried buying him gifts, and letting him be and dressed how he wanted, no matter how girly he looked. Devin always dried his hair, since very young but since they left the states he added a straw of blue to his style. When he feel asleep he always gripped a pierce of that blue hair and played with it in between his fingers, as he stared at the necklace leo had given him which no longer fit around his neck, and was now more of a bracelet, since devin refused to take it off.
After a long chat and with hopes that their boy will smile like he did when he was younger, they decided to move back to the states.
Devin smiled hearing the news, and even thought it was a huge change, which meant a lot of travels they would do it in order for their son to be ok.
After all he meant the world to his foster mom who could not have any children.
Once they started packing up, Devin was the first to get all his things ready.
Once they returned , Devin rush into the orphanage just to find that leo was no longer around.
The nana's said he had fallen into a very dark place and there was a very high chance he was no longer alive.
Devin felt his heart break into pieces as the thought of leo being gone for ever.
Alone and with a broken heart he crawled back into their Usual met up place, just to find out he nearly fit through the the branches.
There under the tree he sat down and weeped. He had not cried since he left the orphanage, and he had so much pain bottled up inside.
Hearing him cry, spice stopped by and offered the pink haired boy sole company. After all it was evident he needed a friend.
Spice had been devin a friend since he was young, and even thought he was not as close as leo at the time, he was the only friend he got.
Yet spice had changed from the boy he was before devin left. From what his classmates talked was that Spice mom had been murdered and they didn't known who had killed her.
So word was it spice had started living up to his name and being a little firecracker, not only doing pranks but doing things with older males.
It was not long until devin feel into spices game, and became as naughty as he was. After all when ever devin did a prank he felt like he was with Leo all over again.
One thing led to the next and spice and Devin became friends with benefits. They did everything together , yet spice had no interest in being with devin for anything more than friends, wich made Devin sad , and lonesome. Yet he preferred this friendship to being completely alone. After all he hated being alone.
One night spice was up to his usual squemes. He told his sister he was going to stay at devins house. Yet devins parents travelled a lot, and at times devin had the house all to himself specially on weekends.
Yet spice had other plans than just staying home with Devin. After all he only fucked him when he didn't have anyone else to play with.
So that weakened spice decided it was going to be about having sex, so they walked into the nearest gay bar to pick up some guys.
Spice seemed thrilled with the idea yet Devin never showed much interest. He just went there cause spice wanted it.
So after spice dumped him in the middle of the night, Devin knew he should head home. After all spice would not come back until the sun was up anyways.
Sad and feeling alone devin walked out the bar turning guys down as he went. He really was not interested in anyone, yet he wished he could be more like spice at times and let himself fall into the arms of a man that desired him, not used him as a plan b when nothing else was around. He didn't mind spice doing so, after all they where only fooling around, but he wondered how it would feel to do someone other than spice for a change.
So instead of heading home he looked around. Maybe if he actually focused on looking at the faces before turning them down he could find someone he was attracted to.
So shyly he walked around until he saw something that called his attention.

The madness (Leos and Devin's Story - Part 1) : AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now