Chapter 6: Lazy bum !

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++++++++TWO YEARS LATER+++++++

Time passed and the boys became closer and grew older. They did all sorts of pranks together. Both boys where always grounded or out looking for trouble, so they didn't have any friends. Devin used to play with one of the nana's son, but he and Leo didn't get along very well, wich made Devin split his time between then. After all he saw the other boy at school, so they usually spent time together there since they where in the same class.
Surprisingly nobody came to see Devin, mostly cause every time someone seemed interested both boys hid away from the nana's.
Yet at time passed Devin seem to get glimpses of things yet they disappeared shortly after. So the boy began to write down what he remembered and be told Leo so he could remind him later.
Yet every few months Devin revived new cloths from the mystery person that seemed to be looking out for him.
They all carried a note to let the nana's know what he needed and it would be sent out for him. Devin usually asked things for Leo since he knew the body had nobody looking out for him like he had. Yet that was not the only reason. The boy has developed a little crush on his friend, who he didn't tell anyone about.
Devin grew tied of his dark hair and dyed it a very light pink, just like the color of mr buns fur .
Time passed quickly and before they knew it it was Devin's birthday. Yet since Leo didn't have a birthday that he could remeber they celebrated both their birthdays the same day.
As usual devin woke up early as he jumped on Leo's bed to wake him up
" morning sleepy ! It's our day so wake up ! " he said shaking the others sleepy body

Leo had gotten used to his name and the new life that over took him while he was with Devin though if Devin got close to somebody he would get in defense mode and protect his bunny. He became used to showing affection and smiles only around his new friend and over time if just became natural.
He half opened his eyes when Devin pounced onto his bed and before he could get away he wrapped his arms around him and pulled him down into a cuddle. "Bleh....if it's our day then let's sleep in more..." He sighed and nuzzled his face into the boys pink hair. He rather liked it pink because it went with his own blue hair perfectly.
"More's good for you." Leo said in a low mumble almost growl but not as angry sounding as he used to be. "Then later...presents...I get you something."

Devin smiled as he was pulled down " Leo your such a lazy bum" he teased as he slowly moved a bit as he was looking up at the celling " we can sleep any other day, today we should have fun"

" what present will you like ? " he asked curiously as he cuddled with his friend " I made you something but well I don't know if you would like something else.

"I know I'm lazy... And this is fun to meeeeee" he whined a little. After two years he couldn't feel more comfortable with the boy.
"I'll like anything you give me... so don't worry about it so much." He nuzzled until devin's pink hair playfully, "you can give me stale bologna and I would treasure it forever...of course until over the years it starts to grow a mind of its own and tries to eat me. Then with my last dying breathe I curse you." He laughed and started to tickle his friend. "So no rotten bologna"

Devin let out a small chuckle " you might be lazy but i could not imagine you beng any other way so its alright " he sad as he closed his eyes feeling so secured being with the boy that had becomed like his older brother.
Devin's cheek turned pink as the boy nuzzled his hair. " why on earth would i do something so horrible, i dont want you dying on me " he mumbled as he huged Leo " I was actually thinking of getting you something you would use this time around, something that you really like. After all you only turn 12 once right? or is it 13?" he joked. After all Devin didn't know Leo's actual age " Also i made you a cake so you better save me a piece " he teased.

"I don't know.... Think we agreed I'm two years older than 12." He hugged Devin back and pressed their foreheads together. "Okay...You make great cakes... Maybe should cook more than that... like I don't know pastas or things for me." He grinned and looked into the boys eyes.

The madness (Leos and Devin's Story - Part 1) : AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now