Chapter 18: Goodbye

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Leo gasped as he saw Devin and caught him as he jumped into his arms. Just seeing him made his heart ache and want to burst. He immediately put his hands on Devin's shoulders and pushed him away.
He quickly put on an angry face and glared at the pink boy. "Why not?" He crossed his arms over his chest as he continued. "Good riddance!! Seriously, just get out of here." He rolled his eyes as he played a part. "Get away from me you stupid kid." He started walking back for the house. "I don't want you here! Your just so annoying. Fuck!" He kept walking and when he got to the front where he could see the new parents, "stop following me you idiot!!" He turned to look Devin in the eyes, "I've never loved you" he whispered and then yelled, "I hate you! Get away from me! And never come back! I never want to see you again!" He pushed Devin to the dirt and ran back into the house. Though the moment he closed the door he fell onto the ground and started to sob.

Devin froze. It was like being in a bad dream. Leo was being mean again, just like the first time they met.
" Leo ..." He said not understanding what was going on as his eyes got filled with tears. " Leo!!!!!!!" He screamed as he felt himself breaking into pieces, as the other boy just left him there in the dirt. His knees burned and he could not move. He slowly balled up in the floor as he closed his eyes.
The nana's and the new parents rushed to pick him up. Yet all Devin could do was cry
Leo cared about him , or didn't he? This didn't make sense.
He could hear voices as they put him into the car. Yet he could not understand what they where saying...
Devin kept his eyes closed as a memory of someone pushing him off before came to mind. In his head he was older, looked different and his body was all beaten up.
There a man stood there staring down at him with gold eyes
" I never loved you... You where just a simple fuck"
A fuck ...."
Devin could hear that voice over and over changing from the mans voice to Leo's
" just a fuck". That frase burned inside his skull.
He didn't know these people on his head yet somehow he did. Could it be that all that happened was a lie? His mind playing tricks on him ? Did leo ever opened up to him, did he even care? Or did he imagined that too?
In his neck he carried the necklace leo have him and he held it with his hand close to his heart
He didn't understand many things but this was prof enought for him to know that leo really did care. What happened before ... That was the nightmare.
Yeah he wanted to think that...
Devin slowly cried until he feel asleep. Last thing he heard was the cars engine and some closing doors.
" Leo..." Where the last words he whispered as the car drove off.

The madness (Leos and Devin's Story - Part 1) : AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now