Chapter 3: Birthday Cake disaster

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Devin looked for his cloths as he took out a pink shirt with some light blue shorts. " huh why you say that ?" He said as he slowly took off his dirty cloths, staying in his little cloud print undies.
He got dressed and as soon as he finishes he lifted his arms in the air and say " yay! I did it " he said as he held his bunny and smiled " just like Mr. Showed us ! " he said as he got a little bandana and wrapped it around his bunny's neck as he sat on the bed.
" so what's your name ?" He ask the other make as he mumbled a happily to himself.

The kid looked over when he cheered and rolled his eyes once again before turning away and facing the wall while in his bed. "How old are act like your five." He said ignoring his question completely.

The dark haired boy held his bunny close to his chest as he looked the other boys way.
He smiled when the boy asked him something as he lifted both hands showing the number 8 " I am eight, yet I don't remeber much ...the man that brought me here told the lady I have ameba , amenia, amnesia! That's the word " he said sounding proud.
" how about you ? How old are you ? "

"Doesn't matter" he closed his eyes even if it wasn't bedtime. He didn't really know how old he was. He guessed ten but not completely sure when you don't even know your past. A little like a kid with amnesia.
He sat up as he felt himself feel something and looked over at Devin with a glare as an idea came to him. He grabbed his clothes and put them back on. Ripped jeans. Baggy tshirts and a vest that was over sized as well. Obviously passed down clothes he had to grow into. "How was that cake" he smirked and walked to the door. "Don't follow me" he barked at the boy and left the room. He headed to the kitchen and grabbed a jar before going outside.

Devin tilted his head " well your older than me cause your bigger " he said happily " just like a big brother" he said as he extended his arms in the air " I always wanted a brother" he said smiling.
" the cake ?" Devin tougth for a moment " it was ok, I mean I didn't really get to taste it, but the one we made is really good, I put the springles on top too !" He said as he saw the other male walking out.
" don't go" he said as the boy walked out saying the words don't follow me. Devin knew those words really well. The man that took care of him before said it a lot.
Devin sad alone in the room as he held his bunny. " I hope he is back soon "

A couple hours later it was dark and the blue haired boy snuck back into the house until his room on the second floor through the window.
He crawled through quietly and looked over to the sleeping boy on the bed. He pulled out the jar he stole from the kitchen and opened it. It was full of different bugs, crawling around. He already used half on the cake, making a hole and putting them inside for a surprise tomorrow.
With this last batch of bugs he poured it onto his bed before tossing it to the ground and jumping onto his bed. Waiting for the show.

Hours passed and no sign of the other boy. Bored and with little to do, Devin fell asleep without noticing, as he seemed to be crying. He count not remeber anything but something told he he was sad. If he only knew why.
Then when ever he tried to remeber that melody came to his mind...making him forget what he was trying to remember.
Then he felt something crawling over him. His eyes flew open and he screamed.
" what are these? " he said as he slowly turned his night light. Then he say all the bugs on his bed. " bugs ? But how ? " he said as he bit his lip about to cry, but instead he got up - and put his bunny in the floor as he took the bugs off his cloths. He slowly grabbed the sheets and opened the window shaking the bugs to fall outside. " be free buggies " he said as he made sure his sheets where cleaned before making his bed again. Just then he realized the other boy was in the room.
" oh I didn't hear you come in, sorry if I waked you, the buggies took me off guard" he said as he grabbed his bunny " but now they are free to go home ... I wonder how they got here ? " he asked looking at the other make cluelessly.

The boy watched eagerly wanting to see him just run out of this room but no, instead he screamed for a second before calmly getting rid of the insects. "Seriously??? Your that much of an idiot!! I put those bugs there!!" He practically yelled.
Two women ran in when they heard the scream, "is everything okay?? Is everyone alright???"
The boy rolled his eyes and plopped into the bed.

" huh? But why would you do something like that ?" Devin asked curiously. He didn't know why but bugs didn't really scare him.
Devin nooded at the ladies and they came to check on him. " yes I just had a nightmare" he lied as he eyed the other boy who pretended to be asleep.
The ladies tucked devin in once more and gave him a kiss on the forehead , before they closed the door.
Once the door was closed devin looked down as he spoke " hey...I know you don't like me very much, but you could at least talk to me... I don't mind hearing you out" he said holding his bunny thightly " I think your just angry cause you don't have anyone to talk to, cause I sometimes feel like that too ".
Devin smiled as tears feel out his eyes, as he hid himself under the blanket, balling up with his bunny in his arms. It was going to be a long night.

he boy turned his back to Devin and faced the wall once again. He heard him speak but didn't say anything back once again. He didn't think he was lonely if needed to talk to someone. He was perfectly fine the way he was.
He closed his eyes and not long before sleep took over him and he passed out with a happy idea that tomorrow was Josh's birthday and of course the cake.
In the morning he woke up late as usual, the women left him alone and woke up everyone else instead for the birthday party. The kids were playing outside and making josh presents since they didn't have money. It was fun but the boy wasn't about that.
He woke up and sat up to see if there's was still someone sleeping in his room. Maybe Devin just didn't have any other friends to shack up with yet but he didn't worry. He knew he would make one or all soon.

Devin woke up before most of the people on the orphanage since he was used to getting up early, yet he could not remeber why. All he could remeber was the tall man woke him up early for something.
Walking downstairs devin opened the fridge to grab a glass of milk when he noticed something was moving on the cakes frosting. " what is this " he said looking at the tinny creature as he Remember the pranks his roommate liked doing.
He seemed to have a thing against birthday cakes.
Devin grabbed a stool from the kitchen and slowly started looking for things to make a new cake. But he was just a child and didn't know what to do. He could not get his friend in trouble either.
An idea passed throughout Devin's mind. He open the fridge and made a whole in the cake taking out the worms, and putting them in a jar. Then when the bugs where all out he took the bugs outside and grabbed te cake and sat on the floor, as he heard someone was coming.
He grabbed a spoon as pretended to be eating the cake when one of their nana's came.
She carried a disappointed look as she told him that cake was not his.
" I am sorry I was very hungry " he lied as he was taken upstairs and put facing the wall grounded.
The nana's made a new cake right before the party. Everyone seemed to be having fun.
They came upstairs to look for devin but she said he wanted to rest for a bit more. He crawled into the bed and his under the sheets as he whispered to his bunny plush
He felt the sound of the others bed as he peeked from other the sheets hidding again when he saw his roommate looking "
"Morning ! " he said as he stayed hidden.

The madness (Leos and Devin's Story - Part 1) : AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now