Chapter 32: Where we go from here ...?

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" wow so much ...make me a list and I'll buy the things tomorrow after school" he teased as he looked at Leo for a second before he continued " do you think that one day you can you know, do me bare ? I always wonder what is like to have someone skin to skin inside of me " he said blushing at the thought. He would not ask this from anyone else but Leo was Leo after all. " well it's official we are going shopping next day your free" he said with a smile on his face " I'll pay I mean I bearly use any of my allowance " he said with a smirk " and I don't wear much black but if you like I could add some to my wardrobe "
He blushed as the other kissed him closing his eyes and giving into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around Leo's neck " just like that, I might be asleep but I know your home....oh and don't keep things from me, like well what ever you like on the bedroom, I'll do don't hold back on me cause I am you know still rather new at it " he said playfully
"Oh that's alright that way you can sleep in while I am at school , the house is always empty during the day" he said smiling " and of course I want this, I always wanted to share my life with you leo. Even if we where appart for a while I don't want that to ever happen again " he said happily" oh are you hungry I gotten pretty good at making pancakes " he said with a smirk .
Leo gasped at the question. He had been asked before to do bare but he never wanted to since his job was dangerous for diseases. "Ahh....y-yea...We can." He nodded a little. Devin is the only person but he would want to get himself checked first.
"Shopping? Oh you did say that didn't you" he set down his phone and rubbed the back of his head. "I wouldn't want you spending your money...I can use mine. I got some last night right? From those guys. He wondered where he stuffed it. "Ah no. You don't need to wear black. You can wear anything you want" hev wouldn't want to change Devin after all.
"Anything? Well.... Okay but I honestly don't think I'm that adventurous." He grinned a little awkwardly.
Leo was touched, he wanted nothing more than to share his life with Devin. It made him happy Devin felt the same. "Actually...yea. I'm starving. I haven't had actual food um..." he looked up in thought for a moment. "Maybe a week? I know I had some mickyds last weds... Some bread I found on Friday....yea." he shrugged. "Pancakes sounds Fucking amazing."
Devin smiled " we will plan it and make it special" he said excitedly as his cheeks turn bright pink "maybe you can even well " he said as he gave Leo a seductive look.
A chuckle left Devin's lips " silly leo, you still forget everything just after I said it, are you sure your turning 18 next week and not 40" he joked. Not that it mattered, he loved him anyways no matter how old he was.
" but leo atleast let me pay for something, even if it's a pair of boxers or what ever kind of undies you like " he teased " you should use your own money for something you really want after all you work so hard to get it " he said bitting his lip " I would wear some black to show I am yours thought " he said shyly, " when we go to the store pic anything you think would look good on me and I'll wear it "
Devin rolled his eyes " I highly doubt it, you seem to know posses I didn't even know existed " he teased " I want to know more " he said excitedly
Devins eyes widden as he heard Leo's words " wait ...why haven't you eaten ...And you didn't tell me ??!?!? " Devins said getting out from the shower as he dryed himself quickly " I am so darting you up mr! " he said pulling leo out of the shower " I have cookies in the fridge your going to eat them all while I make those pancakes !"
"For all I know I could be turning 20. I could be 40" he grinned and placed his hands onto the boys sides, caressing his flesh.
"Briefs actually..." he shrugged, "I wouldn't mind a couple new ones...I only got that pair" he pointed at the pair next to his shorts. A Grey pair of briefs that were obviously worn out with the holes and lose elastic. He didn't really wear them for long though. They were usually coming off at some point. One rip is from an impatient Jaxx, Leo didn't take them off fast enough for him.
"Okay, something black hmmm... Some lingerie? Lacy black undies and garters hmmmm...." he paused to imagine it on Devin. "Niiiiiice"
Leo felt a little proud as Devin kept praising his sex ability. "Was I really that good last night? "
He asked but was interrupted by being pulled out of the tub. "AH!" He gasped and grabbed a towel. "Cookies? " He laughed, "no its okay. .. I'll wait for the pancakes. Some milk would be nice. I wanna enjoy your pancakes." He started to dry his hair before his body since he seemed to have more hair then body. People called it his mane.
" well maybe your turning 10 and your just in bad shape " devin teased as he kept the moodcasuak between him and his lover, as his whole body shivered enjoying every single touch Leo gave him.
Devin rose a brow As he looked at the worn undies Leo had " never took you for the brief wearing type, I'll let you borrow a black pair of mine I bearly use them but yours have surely seen better days" he tease " your butt is cute would look nice on tong " he joked " guess you can't guess what undies I use " he said as he stood there topless, with nothing but a towel around his waist, hidding his undies behind his back " after all you didn't even look at what I was wearing last night"he joked.
" we'll I don't mind wearing panties if that's what turns you on" he said his bottom lip " do you really think they would look nice on me thought ?" he asked shyly
A small chuckle left devin lips " your the best never had, and the only one I want..." he said as he stood in tiptoes and gave Leo a kiss.
" but I want to get you stuffed,specially since you are going to work tonight " he said not really understanding how Leo's job worked. He was too innocent for that. "also do you need to do laundry ?" he asked cheerfully as he realized he forgot his cloths in the room " one sec I'll go get you those undies and get myself something to wear before I cook us some brunch " he said smiling.
It was not long till he came back with a pink top, and some short blue cargos " here you got " he said handing Leo the undies as he began to get dressed "so how many pancakes do you want ?" he said as he finished getting dressed and quickly brushed his pink locks before rushing out the bathroom to cook.

The madness (Leos and Devin's Story - Part 1) : AmnesiaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя