Chapter 12: Pleasse don't go....

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Devin felt his heart drop as leo pulled away. He didn't understand the words that where living his lips. Why would he say something like that? Something so mean ?
Devin was about to run after him when he saw him walk into the bathroom.
Devin walked passed the bathroom door and slowly climbed into his bed as he waited for Leo.
He really didn't want to leave but Leo wanted him gone..maybe he had done something to upset him. He didn't understand.
He saw his friend enter the room and ignore him, as devin hugged his knees "Leo what's wrong ? You suddenly seem upset you want to kiss me ? It would make you feel better " he said innocently not understanding the others actions

Oh god. That offer of kisses was so very tempting. He sat onto his bed and looked up at Devin, his eyes glaring at him when really he was thinking. "Come here..." He ordered angrily as he eyes the boy. He wanted him so badly, to be together forever like they promised. He knew devin could never have both.

Devin slowly got up with watery eyes. Each step was heavy as he walked to the others bed. He sat next to Leo and looked at him waiting to see what he wanted to do. After all devin would always do anything leo wanted.
" I am ready " he said innocently as he awaited the others touch

He reached out and hugged him right. "Devin..." He pressed his face into the boys back as he held him. "You never told me you love me do you?" Leo was so conflicted, he didn't know if he should be selfish or let Devin have a normal life without him.

Devin held onto Leo's body as he was hugged with his eyes full of tears " you know I do love you " he said as he closed his eyes and tears streamed down his face " why wouldn't I love the person that makes me the happiest

Leo bit his lip before pulling away and looking at his boyfriend. "I love you too..." He leaned forward and kissed his lips and pulled him down onto the bed. Both boys laying on their sides facing each other as they kisses. His hands on his hip that slowly slide to his back and pull him closer.

Devin felt warm as his lips where kissed. He blushed as his eyes still seemed sad. He woundered what had make the person he held dearest so mad
Kiss after kiss he placed his hands on the others chest as he closed his eyes and gave into his kisses.

After that day Leo seemed a bit distance from devin. He kissed him less, and was a lot quieter than usual but he always wore his bracelet. Instead of giving Devin the best days until he was adopted he started to push him away to make it easier on them both when he left.
The adults would find Devin and would find a way to spend time with him. Of course Devin would tell Leo after and it just made it worse. Each time he got closer to the adults Leo pulled further away.
It wasn't until the day before the adults were coming to sign the paperwork Leo was the grumpiest he had ever been. He crossed his arms over his chest and sat on his bed just looking angry. He closed his eyes and was actually trying not to cry that Devin would he leaving him though on the outside he looked like he was about to punch a wall.

Devin didn't know why but Leo was acting strange. He seemed angry all the time, and in a way he didn't want to kiss as much.
Devin wondered if he was not feeling well, or maybe something was in his mind that he didn't want to share.
But Devin didn't know how to make the boy open up. All he could do was watch the days pass by as his day to leave came closer.
Having only one day left before he left devin was determinate on at least making leo smile " ummm I don't know why your mad , or ignoring me " he said sitting down on his bed as he slowly scooted closer " but today is my last day and I want to spend it with you, I'll come back to see you " he said shyly as his cheeks turned pink " I miss kissing you "

Leo looked up at Devin and let out a sigh, just looking at the boy made him want to cry. "You won't miss me in a couple days..." He said in a growl like how he used to when he first met Devin. "So it's don't have to force yourself to tell me you'll miss me. I'll be fine and you'll be fine. " he sighed and looked away.

" I won't need to force myself to feel something I already feel " he said getting on all fours and slowly getting closer to Leo. " this last few days I been missing you and you where here , well metaphorically speaking " he said rolling his eyes " look your more than just my friend , I can't forget you so easily ...I can't never forget you " he said staring deeply into the others eyes.


Leo watched as Devin crawled closer to him, he just looked so cute and a new sensation had been coming over him lately. He looked away just because he felt this urge coming over him. "Devin stop! You can't love me okay? I'm not someone to love. I should just...leave. You should just leave,"

" But I don't want to leave, and if u leave it will be to come back for you " he said leaning Closer.

He didn't know what he was doing but Leo liked it when he acted older than he was. "Now kiss me, and stop being mad all the time "

The madness (Leos and Devin's Story - Part 1) : AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now