Chapter Twenty One

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I traveled back to the house. My teammates were already inside. I peered into the house, tapping on the door frame hesitantly. Tsunami notices me. "Oh, come in, come in! You're staying here now, you're our guest! Don't feel the need to be so polite!" She insists, bustling around to set me up a place. I smile and thank her.

"Whaaaat!?!" Naruto shouts. We all turn to him in surprise.

"What?" Sakura echoes. 

"She smiled! Keira-chan smiled!" He yelled.

"We've seen her smile before, dobe." Sasuke mutters. 

"Not like that, you haven't. It was always a smirk before, or totally fake. This one was real." He insists. I stare at him in shock. I never knew he was so observant. "It looks nice, Keira-chan. You should smile more." He said, smiling himself.

I nod slowly, grabbing a plate. He picked up on my change immidiately, with one smile. I didn't expect that. I slowly eat, raising an eyebrow as I see Sasuke and Naruto shoving food down their throats. What's gotten into them?

Suddenly they both stand. "I want some more!" They shout, make eye contact, then turn and throw up. I cover my nose in disgust. Sakura stands, scolding them.

"Don't eat so much if you're gonna puke it up!" She yells. I was surprised. She scolded both of them, not just Naruto. 

"I... have to eat!" Sasuke says. I grab two cups of water, taking some mint leaves out of my pocket and adding it to the water.

"And I have to eat... more than him!" Naruto declares. I hand them both the now minty water, and they swish their mouths out. "Ah, thanks Keira-chan!" 

I open my mouth and close it, then take a leap of faith. "You're welcome, Naruto-k-kun." I stutter at the end, stomach dropping as I risk the rejection from Naruto. 

His eyes widen, but he quickly goes back to normal. "So, Keira-chan, why weren't you training with us today?" He asked.

"Ah, Keira had some special training--" Kakashi begins to explain, but I cut him off. 

"It's fine, Kakashi-sensei. My emotions were disrupting my spiritual chakra, so I had to go and comme to terms with my emotions, settle them and control them." I explained.

"Control you're emotions?" Naruto asked. Ha, like he knows how to do that. "But you do it so well! Nothing seems to faze you! None of you're emotions slip past you're defense!"

I sighed. "For a while, I thought that hiding and trapping you're emotions," I glance at Sasuke, "was the same as controlling them. But Kakashi-sensei showed me that it's not. And the fact that I couldn't control my chakra properly because of them was proof."

"Oh." Sakura murmured.

"Hn. So you haven't even climbed a tree yet?" Sasuke mocked. I swallowed my hurt, then remembered Kakashi's words. You're hiding from you're emotionss, that just begin to grow stronger in that dark place you push them into. And there they grow.

So I let the hurt show on my face, in my eyes, then take a deep breath and whisper, "I haven't even tried yet, Sasuke-san." If he was going to hurt me, I wasn't ready to try and make friends by calling him kun. Besides, I think Sakura would kill me if I did.

Kuso. Why do I always say things that hurt Keira? Sasuke beat himself up. 

"You know... when you feel bad, you can always try apologizing." I murmured to Sasuke so the rest of the team couldn't hear. He stiffenned.

 How did she know I felt bad? A guess?... or can she read me that easily?

I snorted slightly. Oh, the irony. Get it? I can *read* him? Never mind. 

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