Chapter Ten

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Today was the day of the graduation test. I wasn't even slightly worried. What I was worried about was who would be on my team. I heard several people already threaten to go back to the academy if I was on their team. It saddened me that no one would put up with me.

I arrived at the academy much earlier then usual. I sat in my corner again, and sunk back into my thoughts. What is my team hated me? What if they pressured me to change to much? What if, what if, what if.

Iruka began calling out names, mine being about fifth. Heh, my last name starts with a B, I don't have to wait with you suckers.

"Alright, Keira-chan, all you have to do is make three clones and you pass." Iruka informed me.

I nodded, swiftly making the hand signs for clones. They came out perfectly. You wouldn't be able to tell which one was me... unless you put a hand through them. It's a kinda flawed jutsu when you think about it...

"Very good, Keira-chan. You've passed! Take a headband." Iruka congratulated. I walked forward, grabbing a blue headband.

I walked out of the building, looking at the headband. I was hesitating to tie it on my head, because that would signify that all my ties were to this village.

Could I honestly say that? Would I protect this village with my life? Or would I find an escape hole and scamper out when things got dirty? I knew I wouldn't be able to answer that question until the time came, so I ended up wrapping it around my neck. Let's protect that jugular vein! 

I watched everybody with their parents, who were hugging them, congratulating them, everything a parent is supposed to do. I begin to walk home. Where are my parents? They didn't die, like Sasuke or Naruto. It was as though they simply... never existed.

I sighed. What does it matter? I've been trying to change for my team, so I can be someone who they will trust to watch their backs. But here I am, lingering on the past. I mentally beat myself up. What does that help?

I see a dock I'm passing and sit on it, splashing my feet in the water. I want to change, but I'm afraid to get hurt. I've become closed off to love, to happiness, to friendship, because I'm afraid of the pain it will bring. 

I slowly churn the water at my feet. Am I missing out, because I'm-- I'll admit it-- afraid? Afraid to be hurt, afraid of betrayal, afraid of my own feelings? I stop kicking my feet and lean forward, looking my reflection in its yellow eyes.

The eyes were hurt. They held anger. Pain. Betrayal. Frustration. I think I'm escaping these bad emotions by blocking out the good... but really, I'm just trapping the pain inside... I could be experiancing joy, glee, laughter, if I only gave myself a chance. But I've pushed everyone who offered me it away. 

I made myself a promise. Right then, right there. I was going to find someone, a teammate, a friend, who I could trust. I was going to be friends with them. I would protect them.

That was my dream now. To find someone, or even more than one person, who would be worth protecting.

I would know they would be worth protecting if they accepted me. If they offered me their friendship, guidance. And if they gave me this, I would repay them tenfold. I stood up, determined. I was going to change from my path. I was going to find friends.

I would be cautious, wary at first. I knew that. I would be hesitant to accept their friendship if I thought they would abandon me. But I would get passed that. I hope. And I would do alll this...

Tomorrow. I couldn't bring myself to try today. I would do it with my teammates. I would be friends with them, become someone they can trust. I went home, still thinking about it. It wouldn't be easy, but I was going to try my best.



Chapter Ten!

Dedicated to _Scribble_ for dedicating to me and being awesome! Thanks Scribble!

Yay, she's changing her views! Slowly, very slowly, but she wants to be different! I'm excited.

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