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The Crew is back

It had been a week since the incident with Lucas and the 'villain' Sloth. The news had covered the story, passing it off as a typical villain attack, and never once mentioning Lucas.

Izumi and Floyd had caught on to the news, watching the footage of the fight with their mouths open. The battle had amazed them and left them wondering about the identity of the mysterious fighting hero

The week had brought both Floyd and Izumi knowledge of physical hand-to-hand training and the use of various weapons. Despite being tired from the intense training regimen, they still kept up with the rest of the soldiers.

Today was a special day, however, for it was the day that Yuri, Noelle, Ryo, and Sorrow had arrived at the base. Seeing the progress that Floyd and Izumi had made, General Dower was amazed at how far they had come.

Izumi sat on a stiff metal chair, groaning as he felt the soreness from the intense week of physical training. Floyd, on the other hand, was sleeping when he probably shouldn't have been. They were sitting in a storage hanger, waiting as they watched the doors open.

Four people entered the storage unit and walked towards them, the cold wind brushing against their skin as they saw the figures in the shadows.

A sharp, feminine voice could be heard, saying "Jeez, It's freaking cold here! Hmpf~"

This voice had an energetic and upbeat tone.

"Ugh, I'm so tired. After that long ride... There's nothing I want more than a comfortable bed to just curl up and sleep on..." This girl's tone was full of tiredness as if she was ready to crash at any moment.

"Oh come on! It's not that bad!" another girl's voice spoke as she giggled...

They were all suddenly interrupted when a deep, masculine voice spoke up.

"Apologies for the wait, Floyd and Izumi..."

It was the voice of Sorrow, his deep tone filling up the entire hangar.

Floyd and Izumi leaped up out of their seats, their faces breaking out into wide smiles when they saw Yuri, Ryo, and Noelle.

As the 4 of them entered the hangar, the two boys appeared to be thrilled to see their friends.

"It has been quite a while indeed, hasn't it?" Sorrow smiled, as he looked over at Floyd and Izumi.

"Since the incident in the USA, I believe it's been almost 6 months if I'm right since we last saw each other. Have you both been doing well?"

The two boys were instantly hugged by Yuri and Noelle, who seemingly couldn't contain their excitement.

Ryo was a bit behind, but she raised her hand and waved at them as well, with a slight smirk on her face.

Sorrow stood next to Ryo, his stoic demeanor not changing at all as the reunion took place.

Beyond darknessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang