Chapter 43

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After a month since the grueling battle on the mountain top, Anselm had been defeated, Pride defeated, and a sense of relief was felt all around.

Izumi lay in a hospital bed next to Floyd, both of them being bedridden for an entire month after the fight with their overwhelming and powerful abilities.

Their bodies were in rough shape, the effects of the extreme fight taking a heavy toll on their bodies and minds.

Despite their exhaustion and weakness, Izumi felt a sense of relief, happy that the battle was finally over and that Floyd was still alive.

"He won't hurt anyone anymore..." Izumi sighed in relief, having witnessed the brutal and chaotic battle and the devastating aftermath with his own eyes.

Floyd nodded, feeling slightly less burdened and a weight being lifted from his mind, though the scar on his eyelid served as a permanent reminder of the battle.

"You got to meet my dad for a second, didn't you?" Izumi spoke, looking at the ceiling as he tried to recall all that had transpired in that one short moment.

"Yeah, he had the look of a truly heroic hero." Floyd smiled softly, remembering the encounter with Izumi's father and the temporary yet meaningful moment it had proved to be.

"I didn't get a proper way to say hello to him either... or to nearly talk to him for lengthy period of time." Izumi said, remembering the brief and fleeting encounter with his father.

"Kagira used a powerful power to revive him, but it only lasted a short while and he was fully in control of himself..."

During the battle on the mountain top, Kagira had lost his leg. Though he was able to recover and heal his wound, a lasting reminder of the battle was that he had lost his leg and the sacrifice he had made.

After returning to his senses, Claire, his trusted partner, returned to his side and helped him recover from the gruesome battle. Now, they returned back to their sacred forest to find peace and tranquility after a battle that had left them both scarred and damaged.

"This country taught me a lot about myself and about others," Izumi spoke softly, reflecting upon the events that had occurred during his time here. "I made many friends and foes. Depressed ass clown is a name that will hold a special place in my heart," he spoke humorously, remembering the battle. "Ryo beat the living piss out of him, nearly ending us as well. It was a good time, I must say," Izumi chuckled, trying to stay light-hearted despite the dire and brutal events they had faced.

Izumi looked at Floyd, a deep and solemn expression on his face.

"If I ever choose the wrong side and become a monster who does more harm than good, then kill me. I will have broken Noelle's promise and will not deserve to live."

He looked directly at Floyd, awaiting his response.

Floyd laughed softly, an ease and warmth evident in his demeanor.

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