Chapter 12

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Killer on the loose...



The sound of the sirens filled the streets with an unpleasant vibe. Izumi just left Noelle's home walking back to his home was his main priority as he had school in the morning. He had a deal with himself to make it home before 1 AM it was 11 when he left Noelle. 

It started raining Izumi was walking faster and faster the sirens louden and by the time Izumi crossed the street the crime scene was in front of him. 5 Police cruisers scattered the streets 2 body bags were out on the street while the rain dripped onto the tarp body bags. 

Izumi was trying to mind his business but he always had to but in.  Maybe it would be better for him to leave and not get involved? 

"Hello, officer my name is Izumi I wish to know what is going on..."

The officers walked up to Izumi confused about why someone would come to the crime scene. But the officers gave him information on what was going on. 2 Suspects on the run the details given to Izumi gave him an Idea of who the one with the red hooded robes is. Ace. 

"Chief Alfrey! We were mistaken another suspect has been revealed they are on the run too! Red shoes tall about 6'1."

The officers turned around from Izumi after hearing new details on the Crime. Another Suspect was revealed to be involved. Izumi was confused and just decided to turn around and leave. But as he turned around he saw a person in a white hoodie running in the distance. the person running looked like a little glob from the distance they were in. and Izumi turned back to the officers. 

"Officers you might wanna look over there. That might be the one you're talking about they are on the run. I can help you capture them but I gotta get a reward you know..."

Izumi wink as he tried to persuade the officers on rewarding him. He turned around seeing the glob fading farther and farther. Izumi let off a big sigh and told the officers to wait right there pointing at the sidewalk.

Izumi stretched and started running to the little person. the person got taller as Izumi confronted them. The person turned out to be a female. that was holding a gun Izumi never had problems with someone that uses a Pistol. 

"HEY, YOU! YEAH, YOU! What you are doing right now is a big crime you know that. I got a little glimpse on that body bag it's a shame people like you would kill a Mother and a little child. People like you deserve to be put away for all OF ETERNIT-"

As Izumi started Insulting them they let of a handful of panic shots. Missing each shot going towards Izumi. 

"I've had enough of you already you monster..."

Izumi gripped his fist as charging at the Female. Izumi wouldn't hurt a Female but in this case, he would have to. The female pointed her gun at Izumi not panicking anymore. she slowly waited for Izumi to get closer. And when Izumi got closer she let off more rounds. While the bullet was traveling the bullet started transforming into something way different from a bullet and sharp piece of metal? The piece of metal quickly transformed again but to a metal spike. The female started shooting more and more and the bullet transformed into a spike.

Izumi knew what he was doing he instantly knew whoever this female has power. Izumi quickly transformed into stage two making a little blast towards the Female. 

"You thought I wouldn't know huh? You're one of the dumbest scum I have ever seen."


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