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The presence of the devil is emitting...


Kagira stood there, his eyes fixed on Zephyr as he struggled to get up. Despite the pain and defeat, Zephyr's words lingered in the air, leaving a sense of unease among the group.

Izumi, Floyd, and Clair approached Kagira, their expressions a mix of relief and concern. Izumi spoke up, his voice firm yet cautious. "Kagira, are you sure we should go ahead? What if he's right? What if Anselm is waiting for us?"

Kagira surveyed the surroundings, his hand lightly scratching his chin in contemplation. "While Zephyr's warning holds weight, we mustn't allow fear to dictate our actions. We need to proceed with caution and a well-thought-out plan."

As Kagira, Floyd, and Izumi made their way toward the temple, they suddenly felt a powerful and overwhelming aura enveloping the area. It was as if a surge of energy was charging through the surroundings, causing them to stagger and fall to their knees. The sheer force of this presence was unlike anything they had ever encountered before.

As the overwhelming power permeated the surroundings, a sinister presence became palpable. It was unmistakable-the vile aura of Anselm himself. His malevolent energy surged through the air, charging up for an imminent confrontation.

Izumi's cursed visage contorted in agony, his face ablaze with torment. Despite the excruciating pain, he summoned the strength to rise to his feet, defying the oppressive force that pressed upon them all. With determination burning in his eyes, he let out a resounding cry, his voice filled with both anguish and defiance.

"NO MORE!" Izumi's voice echoed through the air, his words piercing through the suffocating aura.

"IF YOU WANT ME IM HERE YOU DAMN MONSTER!" Izumi shouted with tears rolling down his cheeks.

The Aura suddenly stopped

Abruptly, the oppressive aura dissipated into thin air, leaving behind an eerie stillness that permeated the surroundings. As the tension lifted, everyone regained their footing, their bodies no longer burdened by the weight of the powerful energy.

Floyd hurried to Izumi's side, his concern etched on his face. With genuine care, he reached out to comfort his friend, aware of the pain inflicted by the curse that afflicted him.

"Are you alright?" Floyd's voice was filled with genuine concern as he extended his hand toward Izumi, offering support and reassurance amidst the lingering aftermath of the ordeal.

"I'm fine... don't touch me..."

As the Curse of Wrath took hold of Izumi, his demeanor shifted dramatically. His expression hardened, his eyes filled with an intense determination, and a surge of anger coursed through his veins. Kagira and Clair recognized the telltale signs of the curse and understood the impact it was having on Izumi's emotions.

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