Chapter 31 - JP ARC

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Anslem sat in a dark secluded room all by himself with a single light shining above him. He was in the thought of extreme anger. Gluttony, Now Envy defeated, ponders to think of his next step to retrieve Izumi's body and gain more power. But he is being stopped by the Hero agency and their agents. 

Anslem clenched his fists and muttered, "These mere mortals won't stop me. I will get what I want."

He shouted and The Sin of Lust, entered the room asking if he was okay, actually concerned about Anselm. 

The Sin of Lust stumbled into the room, taken aback by Anselm's outburst. As she approached him, he unleashed a surge of his gravity powers, not meaning to hurt her but unable to control his anger. He raised her and started to pull her body in different ways until her limbs snapped and ripped out her body. He used his force of power to launch her around the room crushing her body and parts splattering all over the wall and floor. The blood leaked and sprayed everywhere as her guts slapped onto the floor.

After a minute of tossing her around with his uncontrollable anger, he dropped her body and wiped the blood that hit his face. 

 He collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily and covered in sweat. As he tried to compose himself, he realized the severity of what he had just done. He killed one of his own from selfishness. 

Pride or known as Albedo busted through the door eyes widen in shock seeing Lust on the floor mutilated. 

"Holy shit dude, you just went all out on her to soothe your uncontrollable anger, didn't you." He said.

Anselm gleamed at Pride with a dead look. He scoffed, "Albedo, now it's three. Three of your siblings, DEAD!" He shouted at Albedo. " And Greed hasn't taken orders from me in centuries, Sloth disappeared and he's hard to find with his power. It's just you and Wrath, what's my next step..."

Albedo raised his eyebrows, "You can always call Her."

Who is her Anselm said. 

"You know who I mean, Anselm. Your Mother. The one who birthed you," he said.

Anselm nodded slowly, understanding what Albedo meant. "Rosary," he muttered under his breath. "But do you think she'll listen to me? After all, I technically made enemies with her."

"Perhaps not," Albedo said, "But it's worth a try. She may see the potential in helping you if you mention Dash. She still holds his Oni Mask, still, with much power, she can't drain it if Xen is not around.

Anselm mumbled, "How do you know about, the Oni mask? Are you turning your back on me?" 

"No, no you have it all wrong bro! I managed to have a word with her back when she whooped your ass and bout killed you. I mentioned what the mask did and she simply straight out told me."

 Randomly Rosary appears out of the shadows and wraps her arms around Pride, and mentions that someone was calling for her and talking about her.

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