Chapter 19 - JP ARC

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Tokyo lights


Hours earlier on the plane dash explained to Izumi and Floyd about his childhood... 

"My life huh, well there's a lot of things that happen in my life and I could write a whole autobiography about it. My life was fully initiated when he came into my world a boy that had no parents more like dead parents. Born in a criminal family he was sure to be trouble at first. 

After getting to know him we were troublemakers vandalizing cars and streets we didn't know any better... We went to school together, we shared the same room. The way I act now is a form of maturity I was never the quiet type in school. I socialized with all the girls that came my way but it usually didn't go well so I stopped. 

We would get scolded by the adults without our parents knowing. Once we vandalized a very popular owned store we didn't know that the owners were from a sort of mafia. Now before I say the rest we lived in somewhat a luxurious town and our parents and I lived in a nice house. 

When I and my brother were home one day we heard a big explosion outside our gates.  We thought it was some sort of construction but the loud crashing was very unusual. We didn't pay any mind to it but the crashing was louder and louder and then it was huge thumps outside. we went downstairs to check what was going on but our mother told us to hide upstairs she said that the neighbors were over and wanted to have a word. 

We were confused on why to hide when it was just our neighbors but she commanded us and we did. We checked out the windows and all the yard workers were gunned down the gates were busted open from an explosion and smoke covered the yard. Our father was out there laying on the ground dead... our mother was killed shortly after, the men were wearing suits from the popular store we vandalized and hell... They wanted payback but they took it too far maybe a little too much... We hid in secret rooms around the house while they tried to find us and kill us. We did not want to make a single noise even if we wanted to weep for our dead parents we could not... My brother Tony stated that he knew those men. He yelled remarking that those men killed his previous parents for not paying up the debt they owed. 

He ran out of the room and I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen he picked up our father's gun that was in his room and smashed a window and shot the man to death. He jumped out of the window and soon shot the other man that was there. I don't know what the hell he was thinking but it made him a murderer. 

There's more to the story of how I joined the military, got my powers, became the president, met sorrow, and got the special powers that I have today. but that's for another time!"


Dash was still in the bathroom trying his best to disarm the bomb he was sweating his ass off on which button to press next. The bomb had 3 minutes left until it would blow up and rip a big chunk out of the plane. He kept telling himself that the button he should press is the yellow one.

Something was off on the yellow and blue wire... There was another coat of color below the original colors meaning that they were both tampered with. The color underneath the Yellow was blue. and the color underneath the Blue was Yellow, Dash thought to himself and tried remembering which one to press first. 

He got it! He remembered it was the blue that needed to be switched off.  He clicked on the Yellow button that was blue underneath and prayed that he got it right. With Dash's intelligence, he pressed the right button. But he didn't pay much attention to the timer, It was only 15 seconds left he wasted precious minutes figuring which one to press. 

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