Chapter 9

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Hey! You made it this far thank you for reading and keeping up with the series. The story is going to get much better and the events will be awesome! I have been taking breaks from time to time and I'm sorry if the story ever goes on a hiatus it has been some dark days for me, but don't worry because the story is not close to finishing.




4 Hours passed since Izumi and Floyd been brawling. No progress for Izumi but exhaustion occurs for him. Floyd's expression was serious but looked like he was having so much fun. "Izumi you're gaining no progress I expect you to push yourself to the max." As confused as ever Izumi was trying his best, he pushed himself to the max but couldn't make any progress.

"I am! This is the most I've pushed myself into something like this why am I so weak! I can't activate my 2nd stage! I'm pushing my body into this so it can work but I just can't find the entrance to activate my second stag-" 

Izumi stopped shouting his words into Floyd's face. His words were cut off. Izumi was blank standing in the middle of a training exercise. The expression was like he is in shock. 


Izumi gripped onto his abdomen and to his heart.  the pentagram was letting off waves of pain but the pain wasn't normal for Izumi. The pain made him suffer. The sight of the training grounds and Floyd disappeared like smoke fading away. Still standing he was coughing blood. "Why is... this happening... WHY IS THE PAIN BACK... BUT NOT ONLY HERE BUT MY HEART HUR-"


Something was patting Izumi on the shoulders. The intense dark energy it let off was chilling to Izumi something he's not used to. 

"Proser...pine? Is that you?" 

Izumi turned his head but saw his own self with glowing red eyes staring into his soul. What is this Izumi thought? It had to be something related to the devil and his second stage. The clothing Izumis clone was wearing was unusual because it didn't look like something Izumi would've worn. A worn black leather jacket that had chains hanging around it. Black jeans with boots. 

"Who...Are you? Please I can't take this anymore! HELP ME!! SOMEONE PROSERPINE WHERE ARE YOU?!"

The creepy clone that looked like Izumi stared at him, his voice was frightening as it sounded like one whispering. 

"Kill everyone... The people in this world must die for our king Anselm. Kill the one that is in front of you. Izumi Eru."

Izumi lost it he could no longer feel pain, like the time when he was in a brawl with Iron. His clothing started changing into the black leather jacket with the chains hanging. Without being able to control his body he is unconscious. Who is controlling him his arms start turning pitch black with a dark aura flowing out? His left arm is quickly covered with dark energy. His hands deform into sharp black claws. 

Is this stage 2? If it is, Izumi is not in control of his own body. Izumi quivered in a dark dimension. An unknown space.

outside in the human world, the clone possessed Izumi. Steam came out of his mouth while standing there. It was a like freak show but Izumi was the freak. 

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