Chapter 27 - JP ARC - The Battle

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The Battle


Damien and Kagira engage in a sword fight, with Kagira using his power sword and bow, and Damien creating weapons with his black blood. As they fight, the two of them use their respective powers to try and outmaneuver and overpower each other.

However, Kagira proves to be a formidable opponent, and Damien realizes that he will need to use all of his powers and skills to defeat him. Kagira's fox-girl partner transforms into a weapon, and he uses her to attack Damien. Meanwhile, Damien creates weapons out of his black blood and fights back As the fight continues.

"500 years and you still believe my clan did it? wiping out your Family and clan. THINK you moron!"

Damien scoffs at the words Kagira shouts out. It's quite obvious Damien blames the death of his clan of the Sohzen but still doesn't realize that it wasn't.

"Your words don't mean anything to me Dragon..."

Kagira uses his Japanese Dragon power to summon a powerful storm, which he uses to try and defeat Damien. However, Damien can tap into his Nine-Tailed Fox power to create a shield of fire that protects him from the storm. He then uses his black blood powers to create a sword made of black flames, and he charges at Kagira.

Swiping right across at him Kagira manages to make an escapable dodge and teleports behind Damien, kicking him and thrusting him into the sky. The fight takes to the skies, with Damien and Kagira both using their powers to levitate and fly. Kagira uses his bow to fire arrows at Damien, while Damien creates weapons out of his black blood and launches them at Kagira. As they fight, they also exchange insults and taunts, revealing their mutual hatred for each other and their respective clans.

"I was harmed after trying to take my own life in front of my Family and after trying to commit, me waking up to the village burning down and bodies everywhere I guessed that an attack has arrived. Your clan village was close to ours. Your clan village planned an all-out attack since I was gone your clan knew that a lot of our men wouldn't come back from war. That's why you have some of your clansmen soldiers in my battle helping."

Kagira shook head his in disappointment and sighed.

"You Idiot, you don't realize anything that has happened. You put everyone in your family and clan at a stake of emergency"

As the rain pours down and the wind picks up, Kagira and Damien find themselves high in the sky, locked in a deadly battle. Suddenly, they both stop, their eyes glowing with otherworldly power roaring off their bodies.

"Stop this, Damien," Kagira says, his voice carrying over the sound of the storm. "We don't have to keep fighting like this. We can talk instead."

Damien eyes Kagira warily but eventually nods. They land on the roof of a nearby building, the rain still pouring down around them. Clair transforms back to her normal body and stands behind Kagira.

"I know your clan was destroyed," Kagira says, his voice barely audible over the sound of the storm. "And I know your clan blames mine for it. But I also know that there's more to this than just a simple act of revenge."

Kagira snarls, his eyes flashing with anger. "You know nothing, Kitsune. My clan was innocent, and we were framed for a crime we didn't commit. The murder of the Head of the Kitsune wasn't from us! And now, with you here we feel threatened that you're going to try to destroy our village for something we didn't commit 500 years ago. It's time you let it go and go on your way to another road you can follow.

Damien takes a step forward, his eyes locking with Kagira's. "I'm not here to destroy your village. I'm here to find out the truth about what happened to my clan. And I won't stop until I do."

Kagira's eyes narrow, but before he can respond, a bolt of lightning strikes nearby, sending debris flying. Damien uses the distraction to attack, but Kagira is ready for him, using his energy powers to create a shield that blocks Damien's strike.

"You attacking me once again gives me proof that you don't want to settle things out in a talk."

Kagira Snarls sighting himself onto Damien,

"This is a war that hasn't been finished in 500 years. It's best we complete it and go our way.

The two continue to fight, the storm raging around them. But despite the danger, Damien knows that he can't give up. He has to find out the truth, no matter what it takes. Kagira and Damien are similar in powers but both have weaknesses of their own.

"I won't let you hurt anyone else, Kagira," Damien says, his voice firm. "And I won't let you stand in my way."

Kagira snarls, his eyes glowing with rage. "Then you leave me no choice. If you won't back down, then I'll have to kill you to stop this foolishness."

Damien takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the fight to come. But he knows that he can't back down now. He's come too far, and he won't stop until he gets the answers he's been searching for.

The two warriors exchange blows with incredible speed and power, each one pushing the other to their limits. Kagira unleashes a barrage of arrows, each one crackling with electricity, but Damien deflects them with ease, his fox powers allowing him to sense their trajectory.

In the midst of the fight, Damien starts to become weary of his assumptions about the Sohzen clan. He begins to have flashbacks of the night his clan was destroyed, the screams of his family and friends echoing in his mind. But as the memories flood back, something strange happens. Damien begins to remember a nightmare he had, one where he was the one who killed his family and the people of his old village.

This realization shakes Damien to his core, causing him to falter in his attacks. Kagira takes advantage of this momentary weakness, delivering a powerful blow that sends Damien crashing to the ground.

"You're weak, Kitsune," Kagira sneers, his eyes flashing with a triumphant light. "You always have been. And now, with your own doubts and fears holding you back, you're no match for me."

But Damien refuses to give up. He stands up, his eyes blazing with a newfound determination. He taps into the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox once again, his black blood transforming into a massive claw that he uses to swipe at Kagira.

The two warriors continue to fight, each one pushing themselves to their absolute limits. The rain pours down harder, the wind howling around them. But despite the danger and the pain, neither one of them gives up.

Finally, after what seems like hours, the fight comes to a close. Both panting for air they both stand down to give themselves a breather to gasp for air.

"You're strong, Kitsune, physically but not mentally," he says, his voice low and gruff. "But you still don't understand. You don't know the truth about what happened to your clan."

Damien looks up at Kagira, his eyes filled with a mix of confusion and anger. "What do you mean?" he demands.

Kagira hesitates for a moment, then takes a deep breath. "Your clan wasn't destroyed by my clan, Kitsune. They were destroyed by something far more sinister. And if you want to find out the truth, you'll have to face it head-on."

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