Chapter 3

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Panicking, Izumi opened the door and saw nobody. Scratching his head, he closed the door, but it wouldn't close all the way due to a hand blocking it. A sinister voice from behind the door said, "Room service... Nah it's just me!" Izumi wondered who it could be, but upon seeing the face of a boy his age, he recognized him. The friend's name was Floyd, and he was known to be smart with great grades, often able to attract more girls than Izumi. Izumi asked Floyd to take a seat while he got him some cold water from the refrigerator."

After letting him in, Floyd asked Izumi why he had been so inactive and quiet on social media and at school.

Izumi confessed that he had been busy and seeing Noelle a lot lately. They talked about random topics, including their future lives and the girls they liked. Suddenly, Izumi shared that he had recently escaped the hospital after someone had tried to kill him, causing his medication to wear off and a shadow figure to appear.

When Izumi saw someone behind Floyd staring at him, he pointed it out to Floyd, who didn't see anything and recommended that Izumi take his medication. Desperate to find them, Izumi checked various places before finally locating them near the window. After taking them, Izumi calmed down, and the room service arrived. Floyd stopped him from opening the door, and when the service left, they heard a loud crash. Izumi rushed to the door to check on the woman, but instead, he saw a girl hanging by the neck, with her limbs chopped off. This would be a mistake that would haunt Izumi forever.

At the sight, Floyd and Izumi could have become sick. The disgusting odor was unforgettable, and they had to cover their noses with their shirts. Despite the smell, they ran beside the body. Floyd appeared uneasy as they descended the stairs, and Izumi couldn't shake the feeling of the coldness they encountered on the first floor. Opening the door, they were hit with a cold and sinister wind.

A figure in a robe stood in front of them as they stepped outside, and they couldn't see their surroundings due to the dense fog. The two of them were frightened, but they knew they couldn't lose each other. Something was coming straight for them, and they thought it might be the end. Izumi suggested they go to the nearest alleyway to avoid the impending danger. As they ran towards the alleyway, a big shard of ice was aimed directly at Izumi's chest, but Floyd quickly shoved him out of the way, and they escaped to their getaway.


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