Chapter 29 - JP ARC

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Back on track

Izumi joins the rest of the group in the living quarters. They are all sitting around a low table, sipping tea and discussing their next mission. Izumi seems distant, lost in thought. Floyd notices this and nudges him.

"Hey man, you okay?" Floyd asks, concern etched on his face.

Izumi snaps out of his thoughts and gives a slight nod. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired."

Ryo notices something off as well. "Are you sure? You seem a little... off."

Izumi gives a half-hearted smile. "I'm sure. Let's just focus on maintaining this new mission."

Yuri speaks up. "We need to gather more intel on Anselm's movements. So much has happened in so little time."

Noelle nods in agreement. "I'll try to gather some information from any contacts around the town. We need to be prepared for whatever he has planned."

As they continue to discuss their strategy, Izumi can't help but feel a sense of dread in the pit of his stomach. The knowledge of his true nature weighs heavily on him, and he's unsure of how to control or even use the true nature of his powers.

But he pushes those thoughts aside and focuses on the task at hand. They need to stop Anselm, no matter the cost.

Dash stands up and clears his throat, getting everyone's attention.

"I have some important information to share with all of you," he says, his voice serious. "As you all know, we're currently investigating the activities of Anselm, the father of hell. He has created seven sins, each with its unique abilities and motives. We need to understand these motives if we're going to stop him."

I encountered one already, Which I haven't seen since we got here.

" Gluttony is a monstrous being made of slime, capable of devouring anything and anyone in its path. Its motive is to consume everything to gain more power. Do not get too close to Gluttony, as it can absorb anything it touches."

"Greed is a materialistic creature that will stop at nothing to obtain wealth and power. Its motive is to accumulate as much as it can and to keep it for itself. Using greed he pushes himself to create events that revolve around him. He is capable of using unique powers that can pocket someone into his dimension"

"Wrath is fierce with incredible strength and combat abilities. Its motive is to seek revenge and destroy anyone who stands in its way. Izumi already had an encounter with them after escaping Greed's infinite void somehow. Izumi stated they are characterized as a girl and can create beasts. That is all we know for now, and Lastly, we have already lost one with contact after the Sin of Greed took him out. I sensed his energy and is still alive.

Dash finishes his explanation and looks around at the group, making sure everyone understood the severity of the situation. "Remember, these sins are not to be taken lightly. We need to work together and be prepared for anything if we're going to stop Anselm"

Somebody unexpectedly knocked at the door and when Dash opened it he was surprised to see Damien out of his disguise and all beat up. Dash was extremely relieved that Damien was still alive and safe.

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