Chapter 26 - JP ARC

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The 500-year war.


Damien found himself on a nostalgic journey after following Kagira to their Village that's been sustained for over 600 years.  It's been weeks since Damien arrived and he started to enjoy his stay in the village reminding him of his old town. Every night that he's been there something has been triggering his Kitsune and causing him to overthink about the dream he had while he was injured from the Pride fight. 

Kagira and Clair get up from sitting around and ask Damien to join him since they usually commit to the hour of training. Damien agreed to train again with them and went to a courtyard that was empty with leaves falling to the ground. A beautiful spot that gave a nice shade to Clair as she became lazy and laid back watching the two. she brushed her hand giving an excuse not to fight expressing that her tummy hurts. 

"Well if you say so, Clair... This is like your 15th time denying to train with us, maybe it's because Damien is here with us, and you're scared he's going to knock you into space, HA!"

Clair *Scoff*  Flipping Kagira off with a bird and dropping onto the shaded grass to watch them.

Kagira smirked at Damien telling him to bring it on, throwing a wooden practice sword at him.

"Let's go all out today I think you all healed up Damien I want to see what you got."

"Yea, I'm going to tear you up right NOW!"

Damien and Kagira both unsheathed the Practice sword and disappeared out of thin air. Clair sat up and raised an eyebrow,

"They're going so fast that you can't even see them with a normal eye. Yikes, Master better be careful with him using that much power."

Both fight with 0 percent power but use strength and endurance to do it for them. For three minutes straight all you would hear is the click and clack of the wooden swords hitting together. 

Damien would start to improvise and change his movement to predict Kagira's next moves. But on Kagiras's side, something was strange, he started to chuckle with an intent to harm Damien. Damien hasn't noticed anything distracted from the fight but as they started to slow down, Clair started to sense the stench of something negative on Kagira. She slowly got up letting out a big stretch and wagging her fox tail around in distress. 

"Okay STOP! Kagira I think you're starting to get a little too into the fight."

Damien and Kagira started to make a stopping point until both stopped and were breathing harshly. 

"Oh, I didn't even realize! My apologies Damien I sometimes lose track when training and think my opponent is an actual enemy."

30 minutes later

Both Kagira and Damien agreed to chill and relax in a very warm hot spring that's located in the town. They went into the building and removed their clothes in the locker room and headed to the warm spring outside. They chatted for a while and drank some drinks together, talking about their lives and occupations of sorts. 

Damien raised his eyebrows and asked Kagira a question,

Kagira agreed to answer.

"Yea what's the up man!"

Damien asked something very important that slipped his mind the day he arrived at the village. The Village name...

Kagira replied with a positive sigh and told him,



As Damien sipped on his drink he stopped right when Kagira stated the village name... He slowly got up with a shadow on his face looking down and without an expression, he started to dry himself off and put his clothes on.

"Hey man, you alright? Did I offend you with our clan's name?"

Kagira soon got out of the spring and followed Damien also drying himself off and putting his outfit on.

"Kagira... what's your last name?"

Kagira slowly replied confused why he asked, 

"Kagira... Sohzen of course?"

Damien slowly started to leave the bathhouse and was stopped. Kagira standing right behind him in a distance, once again all you can see is a shadow on their face with no expression. The makeup Damien had on his Kitsune marks started to flair and the makeup started disappearing.

Kagira walked directly toward him and whispered...

"It's been a while Kitsune..."

Damien didn't even get a millisecond to turn around and was blasted through the wall by Kagira. Kagira held his hand and Clair came out of nowhere and transformed into a weapon that Kagira could use. A bow appeared and Kagira pulled out an arrow from the air that was covered in magic and quickly shot 3 arrows at Damien.

Damien maintained himself and struck the ground landing on it while creating his blood shields created out of his black blood deflecting the arrows. 

He spits blood out and out of nowhere, his nine tails lodged out of him wagging in anger. 

"You've done it now Kagira the holder of the Sohzen Dragon..."


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