Chapter 28 - JP ARC - The Battle part 2

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Uninvited guest

Damien falls to his knees, tears streaming down his face as he stares at his hands, the black blood dripping from his fingers. He realizes that the answer to the mystery of his clan's destruction has been in his own hands all along.

The flashbacks come back in full force, and Damien sees himself in the POV of his own nightmare. He remembers the moment when he tried to commit seppuku with the Sohzen blade, the blade that mutated his cells and overlapped with his Nine-Tailed Fox power. He watches in horror as he relives the murder of his family, realizing that it was he who had killed them.

The weight of this realization hits him hard, and Damien sobs uncontrollably on the ground. It's rare to see him with such raw emotions, and Kagira watches him silently, his face unreadable.

Finally, Damien stands up, his eyes red from crying Damien takes a deep breath and stands up, wiping the tears from his eyes. He looks at Kagira and realizes that he owes him an apology.

"I'm so sorry," Damien says, his voice trembling with emotion. "I didn't know. I didn't know that it was me who killed my family and destroyed my village. I was so lost and confused, and I let my anger and hatred blind me. I'm sorry for accusing your clan, and for blaming you for something that wasn't your fault."

Kagira nods understandingly, his expression softening. "I know," he says gently. "I could see the pain and anger in your eyes. But I also saw the truth, the truth that you didn't want to see. And I knew that you needed to face it in order to move forward."

As they speak, the storm around them begins to calm, and the sun starts to peek out from behind the clouds. But just as they think the worst is over, a loud explosion echoes from the direction of the village.

Damien and Kagira look at each other with worry, knowing that they need to act fast to protect the village from whatever is attacking. Kagira grips his sword tightly, while Damien channels his black blood powers, ready for whatever they may face. They rush towards the village, their hearts racing with the urgency of the situation. As they approach, they see the destruction left by a slimy substance... Gluttony.

Damien's eyes widen in fear for the other people in the village. 

"No, No, No this cannot be right are my eyes deceiving me? Gluttony has arrived they sensed our powers colliding as we fought..."

Kagira and Clair were confused about what Damien was talking about. "There is no damn time to waste make sure the Citizens are all safe Gluttony is a creation of a Demon named Anselm, he created Sins from his own feelings.

Kagira shouted the name Anselm in anger. "He's the one... I have a feeling he has something to do with my sister's disappearance..." 

Without hesitation, Damien and Kagira charge toward the monster, ready to fight. They work together, combining their powers to attack the gluttony. Kagira slashes at the monster with his sword, while Damien creates weapons with his black blood to pierce through the monster's slimy exterior. 

It did nothing but go through Gluttony. Damien warned Kagira and Clair to stay back and not to get near him because Gluttony is no stranger to fighting. They are intelligent with smart thinking and movements even though they are just a slime substance of Anselm. 

As they continued to fight, Kagira started to have an idea. He remembered a technique he had learned with his lost sister, one that involved using a special kind of seal to trap powerful beings like Gluttony. Kagira quickly explained his plan to Damien, who nodded in agreement.

They needed to lure Gluttony into a specific location, a spot where the seal could be activated and trap the creature. Damien used his mutated powers and created a trail of black blood leading to the designated area.

Gluttony, being the gluttonous creature that it was, followed the trail eagerly. As it entered the designated spot, Kagira activated the seal as soon as it stepped into it, trapping the monster inside.

With Gluttony defeated, the trio breathed a sigh of relief. But they knew they had to act fast, as more of Anselm's creations could be on the way. They quickly gathered the survivors and headed back to the village, ready to defend it against any further attacks.

As they arrived, they saw that the damage was extensive. Many buildings were destroyed, and the streets were littered with debris. But amidst the destruction, they saw the people of the village coming together to help each other. It was a sight that filled them with hope.

Damien, Kagira, and Clair helped the villagers with the cleanup and offered their aid in rebuilding. As they worked, they couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of camaraderie. They had been enemies, but through their shared experiences, they had become allies.

And with the threat of Anselm's creations still looming, they knew they would need each other more than ever.

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