Chapter 45 - ~Arunistan Arc Begins~

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The loud rotors of the Helicopter filled the air with a deafening noise as it spun its propellers at an extreme speed.

Izumi and Floyd arrived at the helicopter early and were greeted by Men in black suits who were part of the Hero's Agency.

The Men remained silent but nodded to them and led them inside. Once inside, the two heroes were motioned to sit down and they settled into the helicopter together.

As the Helicopter lifted off and began its journey, both Floyd and Izumi were awed by the modern technology present inside it.

The technological advances were staggering, and the helicopter was incredibly fast, easily flying over the ocean and covering great distances in a matter of minutes.

The speed was so fast that it made Floyd sick, and he spewed into a bag he was holding as a result of the helicopter's rapid velocity.



An ominous and mysterious woman sat alone inside this room, sipping on her tea. Her vibrant purple hair was majestic as she lifted it to her lips with elegant grace.

She took a relieved breath, as she placed her tea back down, before bending to pick up an intricate chain.

She pulled on the glowing chain, dragging what appeared to be a captive down and throwing them to the floor in a violent manner. The captive was then held securely by this chain, trapped, and left to the woman's mercy.

The woman cackled, a burst of crazed laughter escaping her.

"Oh, Dash... how pitiful that a usually strong and confident man is being brought to his knees by my power..."

She laughed like a bloodthirsty lunatic, her grin spreading across her face as she pulled the chains harder on Dash, causing him to struggle and writhe in agony.

Rosary sneered, confident in the power she held.

"I will drain you of your strength until you struggle to even move under my powers. Your powers will dwindle until I deem the mask to have enough energy to match the level of power I desire.

You're nothing but a pathetic, paralyzed doll under these chains, as your energy and strength are taken from you without a second thought.

And when I finally release you, you'll be nothing more than a husk of your former self, utterly defeated." 

She quickly moved in and struck Dash in the gut with her powerful punch, causing him to fall to the ground in severe pain.

She stomped on his back brutally, her heels digging into the flesh as he screamed

Rosary then pulled out a branding iron from her galaxy dimension, heated with scorching red hot heat. With this branding iron in hand, she branded a mysterious symbol, known only to her and God, onto Dash's back and shoulders, causing him to yell in pain.

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