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Everyone wakes up to the sound of Dash's voice calling out to them. They quickly gather in the living room, still sleepy but alert. Dash tells them that they have a special mission ahead of them, one that will take them to the mountains.

The mission is to gather intel on Anselm, Pride/Albedo, and their plans. Dash explains that they need to know what their enemies are planning and how they can stop them. He assigns two teams for the mission: Team Kagira, led by Kagira, will consist of Floyd and Izumi, and Team Keira, led by Keira, will consist of Noelle, Ryo, and Yuri.

Dash warns them that this mission will not be easy, and new powerful enemies will be introduced in this part. He tells them that they will be going to a place called the Temple of the Elders, a place that holds great significance in their history.

The Temple of the Elders is a place where the ancient Elders used to gather and make important decisions for their people in Japan. It is said to hold the secrets of the past and the power to change the future. However, the temple has been abandoned for centuries, and no one knows what lies inside.

Dash tells them that they need to be careful and stay together. He reminds them that they are a team and that they need to work together to succeed. He wishes them luck and sends them on their way.

As the group made their way together, they reached a stopping point where they met a man named Kagira, who was accompanied by his partner, Clair, a fox girl. Everyone in the group, except for Keira, knew Kagira. They spotted him in the distance, waving and jumping in excitement.

"Hey Hey Hey!!! Nice to meet you all, I'm Keira's brother, Kagira, Sohzen, and it's nice to meet you all. This is Clair my partner and weapon. 

Kagira looked directly at Izumi and laughed, "Wow, you look just like your father. Nice to meet you I'm your uncle Izumi."

Izumi felt flattered and introduced himself. 

They all agreed at this current time, to split up and find the temple and wished everyone a safe journey. 

As they started to make their way up the mountain, Floyd and Izumi walked alongside Kagira. They chatted about their experiences and how they got into fighting.

"So, Izumi, what made you want to become a fighter?" asked Kagira.

"I was told by that girl with Ashy's long hair, to become a hero for her. Crazy, that I thought Powers, were only Military technology. 

Kagira raised an eyebrow. "Girl with Ashy's long hair? You mean Noelle?"

Izumi nodded. "Yeah, that's the one. She's the reason I started training and improving my powers. I want to be strong enough to protect the people I care about."

Kagira smiled. "That's a noble goal. And you're definitely on your way there. Your father would be proud."

Izumi, asked Kagira a serious question, "Have you ever met my father?" 

Kagira laughed, "Seriously, He married my sister, of course I know him, I'm sure he would be proud of you, Izumi. His final battle, with Xen, was supposedly around here in the country. 

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