Chapter 21 - JP ARC

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Death's door

A day after the massacre at the restaurant, hysteria shocked the people making them believe that anyone near each other can be considered a cold-blooded killer. Stores, restaurants, cafe shops, and internet cafes, near the killing caused shops to shut down until further investigation and peace. The wind smoothly cruised in the direction of the street and as the rain started to pour strangers opened their umbrellas trying not to get themselves wet.

A blue blonde-haired man walked on the sidewalk, in average casual clothing and also carrying an umbrella over his head. He had a bag from a market in his left hand he walked over to an apartment complex walked up the stairs, inserted his key, and walked into the dark house. He set his bags down and closed his umbrella making sure to shake it around so the water from fall off. He sat it outside so it could dry, walking in he flipped the light switch and bright lights came on.

He sat down on his sofa and opened his bag, opening an alcoholic beverage. He turned on his tv and laid his feet on the table, the sound of someone walking behind him startled him. Slowly turning his head, Anselm scared him,

"Boo! Haha, did I scare you?"

Albedo sighed bout choking on his drink,

"Hey! let me know that your gonna invite yourself next time bro... You startled me there, I thought it would've been that dash haunting me down."

Albedo was relieved that it wasn't Dash, that was in his house haunting him instead it was Anselm. Albedo wasn't on good terms with Dash, Involving something that took place 15 years ago. Anselm made himself at home, opening his fridge and taking out milk.

"DUDE! Making yourself at home already? This isn't even your home, I mean my home is cool and all but why are you here?"

Anselm smiled and chuckled closing his eyes,

"Hahaha! Even a formal demon like me deserves some time to act like a human, Oh and, you should also be asking your 3 brothers and 3 sisters why they're here!"

Albedo turned around and put both of his hands on his head, screaming the word dammit. Lust, Envy, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, and Pride all 7 sins were in a room altogether. A deadly group that hasn't fully been together for 400 years. Anselm walked over to the sofa and sat on the comfortable seating.

"You see pride, 400 years ago was the last time when we all fully grouped up. Gluttony might be new to the family since the last subject vanished into the world among us. Now, let us see... Yesterday's killing brought dread to the city of this town, fear has woken and all sins are grouped. My beautiful children, you realize in some sort we are going to be the MOST RENOWNED IN THE WORLD! WE WILL TAKE OVER THIS WORLD IN BITS AND PARTS!"

Anselm got up from the couch and had his hands in the air, shouting.

"Most importantly, I will have the body of Izumi Eru! You all will help me with that, my reincarnation to having his body will give me benefits to make THAT DOG DASH AND SORROW AND EVERYONE IN THAT AGENCY MY DOG! And even THAT PETTY WOMAN ROSARY!"

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