Chapter 7

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May 2nd, 2036. 

Izumi had one of the craziest springs in his lifetime. He experienced nothing like the past springs. While spring ending Izumi is clueless on the day he goes back to school. But a voice mail will remind him. 

"Izumi! Izumi! You already know who it is, it's me Floyd! Your best friend I'm getting ready for school cant wait to see you haven't heard much from you since your date did she dump you or something? Anyways today is going to be a sunny day cant wait to go back to school. I miss our teacher  Asuna. Well anyways wake your ass up!" 

Huh... Did he say getting ready for school? I guess my dates were wrong on my calendar. I should be getting ready, won't like to be late even though it's this early in the morning.  My medications laid there like a depressed man cowering. I haven't taken them since the date I had with Yua, maybe because of the activation of my powers. If it makes me feel better that's all I care for.

 Even though Izumi has been through so much suffering he is still delighted with joy. He quickly would get ready putting a special jacket on that was special to him. a Black and white Jacket under was a redshirt. it made Izumi stick out. Only 1 thing was bugging Izumi to death. It was Yua. Izumi worried so much about Yua. "Maybe she's fine... Maybe she's hurt."  Izumi left his apartment and got ready to wait for the bus. The sun Slowly shined its light throughout the town.

The bus arrived and I'm ready for my day to start. "Izumi! Welcome, I haven't seen you in a long time got your ticket?" I swiped my ticket on the scanner the driver is such a bright man. it would be a shame if something horrible happens to him. I slowly walked and picked my seat. Nothing can ruin this day back to school. I put my earbuds on and turned my phone on clicking on the news app. The first thing I read was a breaking news headline.

 "Elderly man chopped to pieces and his head was hanging on top a sharp pole." These topics disgusted me, the crime in my city is horrible it feels like the thugs left me alone and picked on older people. I use to be the thug's main prey I can just remember the day Noelle saved my life. I would've been dead if it wasn't for her. I opened the music app and played slow reverbed songs to relax. I laid my head softly into the hard window. 

The bus would drive and drive for 30 minutes until it was near a stop at the school. The bus parked and Izumi would put on his bag and hop out of the bus. The school was really crowded, but he made his way to the school entrance. All students were to report to their classes immediately the announcers said.

"Hey Hey Izumi! So you arrived it's great to see you. now that you're here you can tell me how your date went." We greeted each other then we walked into our classrooms it was great we were together in the classrooms, I didn't see Noelle though... "Floyd, have you seen Noelle?" He looked at me right when we seated ourselves. "Yeah, she is going to see her grandparents in Korea she won't be here for a couple of weeks." I didn't know she left I should've of gave her a message letting her know how I was. 

 While time passed I explained everything to Floyd, even my activation of my powers. "It's crazy but I still don't know how to feel about this, I had so much strength even though I was almost dead, my wounds healed. I had so much anger I had to let it out on someone... I almost let it all out onto Proserpine. Say, You have powers too Floyd? All those times I said it was technology I was a big idiot. Anyways Damien said I don't have to worry about anything. Yua should be okay and Ace won't chase after us." 

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