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In a macabre display of supernatural prowess, Albedo's decimated head began to reconstruct and regenerate, with countless sinister black strings intertwining and pulsating. The eerie sight sent shivers down the spines of those who witnessed it, an embodiment of darkness and enmity. As the strings melded and weaved together, Albedo rose from the ground, his body emanating an aura of raw power.

With a swift and precise motion, Albedo drew his sword, its energy pulsating ominously. Without hesitation, he lunged toward Floyd, his blade cutting through the air with unnatural swiftness. In a harrowing moment, the blade found its mark, slicing through Floyd's left eyelid. The pain seared through Floyd's senses, an agonizing reminder of the immense danger he was in.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A primal scream of pain and anguish escaped Floyd's lips as blood cascaded down his face, obscuring his vision. With sheer determination, he gathered his strength and propelled himself backward, his eyes clenched tightly shut. His senses heightened, relying on instinct and the faint echoes of his surroundings.






Filled with panic, Dash rushed towards Floyd, his eyes widening with concern as he examined the injured eyelid. "Can you see?" he asked urgently, his voice trembling with worry.

Floyd's response was a shout, his voice tinged with frustration and desperation. "All I see is red! Blood clouds my vision!"

"Son..." Dash's voice resonated with a mix of concern and wisdom. He locked eyes with Floyd, his gaze filled with understanding. "Your aura... it's spiraling out of control. You need to find your center, relax, and breathe," he advised his words carrying a weight of experience.

Dash's presence exuded a calming energy, a guiding light amidst the storm. He sensed the turmoil within Floyd, the desire to unleash his power but the struggle to contain it. With a father's intuition, he saw the immense potential within his son, yet also recognized the danger of losing oneself to the overwhelming force.

Izumi stood unwavering, his body trembling with a mixture of anger and curiosity. He confronted Anselm, his voice laced with defiance as he posed questions that seemed almost ludicrous. Deep within, Izumi yearned to uncover the truth behind Anselm's intentions, particularly the real reason why he was chosen to be the vessel for Anselm's new body. The fire of determination burned fiercely within Izumi, refusing to accept anything less than complete transparency.

"Isn't it abundantly clear, young one?" Anselm's voice dripped with a mix of amusement and superiority. He continued, his words resonating with a sinister undertone. "Your youth holds immense value to me. I can absorb your desires, merging them with my own, and forge an unbreakable bond. And let's not forget your lineage, for you are the offspring of the most formidable human to ever tread upon this planet, Earth."

Beyond darknessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora