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As Dash sat on the patio of the Natsuki Estates, his eyes captivated by the serene garden before him, an unshakable feeling of unease crept over him. The air grew still, and in the midst of the tranquility, a faint telepathic signal pierced through his mind. The voice that echoed in his head was barely a whisper, its presence subtle yet undeniable. The message carried an urgency that sent a chill down Dash's spine, disrupting the peaceful ambiance around him.

A hushed voice reached Dash's mind, barely audible amidst the crackling static. "He's here... and he's formidable," the words came as a faint whisper, struggling to break through the interference. Dash strained to decipher the message, recognizing the voice of Kagira, but the signal was weak, making it difficult to catch every word. Nonetheless, the urgency and gravity of the situation were unmistakable.

In the temple, Kagira fought through excruciating pain as he struggled to rise, blood gushing from his severed leg. Determined to escape, he began crawling, inch by agonizing inch. However, before he could make any significant progress, Albedo mercilessly stepped on his open wound, grinding his foot into the bleeding flesh and inflicting even more suffering.


"Oh, how feeble you all are," Albedo taunted, his laughter echoing through the temple. His face twisted into a malevolent grin as he relished in Kagira's agony, reveling in the powerlessness he perceived in his enemies.

"That's enough..."






As Floyd stepped into the crumbling temple, a surge of fiery energy coursed through his veins. His hair stood on end, seemingly ignited by the very element he commanded.

"You must be Albedo, the embodiment of pride," Floyd spoke with a firm tone, his eyes locked onto the sinister figure before him.

Albedo turned around, his head tilting slightly as he regarded Floyd with an air of nonchalance. With a calculated move, he lifted his foot off Kagira's wounded leg, shifting his focus to the fiery presence that now stood before him.

Albedo's gaze intensified as he locked eyes with Floyd, his mind racing to make sense of the uncanny resemblance. The features of Denji and Dash, two formidable individuals from his past, seemed to echo through the young man before him.

"Is it possible? Could this be their offspring?" Albedo muttered to himself, a mixture of disbelief and intrigue tinging his words.

He deftly drew his preferred sword, its gleaming blade slicing through the air as he tested its weight and balance, preparing for the impending confrontation.

As Floyd tapped into his extraordinary abilities, a fusion of telekinesis and fire manipulation, the atmosphere around him crackled with intense energy. His fiery aura danced in sync with his focused gaze. With a simple gesture, the rocks and blocks of the temple were wrenched from their positions, soaring through the air with blazing speed. Guided by his telekinetic control, the projectiles surged toward Albedo, their path aflame with the scorching heat of Floyd's fire-infused power.

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