Chapter 6

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Thank you! I keep telling myself thank you! I'm really happy that everyone enjoys this. Please take care of yourself and I love everyone.


"All is going to plan master we are going out tonight." "That is what I want to hear."

This pentagram on my body is all I can think about. It burns even though I cleaned it. I tried on tons of suits to make sure I look nice when I meet Yua. "My man! Look at you, looking all handsome, if I were a female I would fall for you in a heartbeat." Floyd was being sarcastic so I went along with it. "Yeah, and you know what else would happen? You would leave me in a heartbeat." Turning the TV on I switched it to the news channel to see what's up.

"Breaking news, 3 Officers, 4 detained inmates brutality killed at the downtown Police department. 34-year-old Calvin, a former chief, witnessed the horrific events while getting beaten and forced to watch the inmates and officers get killed by a young teenage boy dressed in police uniform. Calvin was successfully discharged from the hospital this afternoon. Calvin, please tell us everything. "He let me live so I can witness all the terror he did to the inmates. He drew his revolver I don't have a clue where he got it. And he ended up playing Russian roulette with an officer and inmate they had no choice, their brains flew out and splattered the walls. I witnessed the death of two innocent brothers that were inmates... That kid said he would let them out but instead killed them both. One tripped and smashed his head into the hard wall snapping his neck... The other brother had his head blown off with a single punch. another inmate tripped and died with a fatal stab to the chest with a long sharp object" We are sorry that you experienced that Mr. Calvin."

Floyd and Izumi were shocked to hear what happen at the Department. "Izumi, do you think it could have been Ace?" Ace would only wear a long robe, so It would have been impossible to think that it could have been Ace. "No that's wrong! Ace would never wear such an outfit like that plus remember the reporter said a "Teenage boy" It cant be Ace, Ace is tall."

Well, hopefully, they can catch that insane serial killer. I wouldn't like to see them or run into them on my date. Noelle got really stressed from picking my outfit that she knocked out early. Yua should love this outfit. I knew her for a short amount of time but it feels like I know so much about her now, Love at first sight? It was 8:30 PM, Yua called me her adorable voice would comfort me. "Izumi... I'm ready to go out on our date! I will meet you at the cafe please don't be late." It was my time to shine. I put on the shoes that were once Noelle's Dad's shoes. "I will be back later everyone please take care and wish me luck." On my way to the cafe, I messaged her the whole way there. I got to know her more and she learned more about me. "I'm almost there!"

Izumi and Yua were taking a short path to the cafe, Quickly dashing they both arrived at the same time. "Hey, Yua! It's nice to see you again, you look... Uh... Really beautiful with that outfit on. It fits you really well. I'm speechless" She was red, redder than a tomato. "Oh! Thank you Izumi I thought you would love this outfit I guess I was right. I'm so excited! I don't know what to tell myself but let's go in." Hugging each other we open the doors of the cafe. This cafe was not an ordinary cafe it was a special spot especially for couples going on dates. We sat down in the popular section of the cafe. Sitting down I heard an old man's voice. "Hmmm Is that who I think it is? Let me think... Ah yes, Floyd!" The hell... "I'm not Floyd I don't look 1 bit like him Old man it's me Izumi are you feeling well tonight?" He looked like he forgot everything. "Hmmm Ah yes, Noelle! What can I get you today?" The old man was making me frustrated, Yua Giggled "Huh did I do something wrong?"

"No Silly! You're just a funny man Izumi. I met nobody like you before... I'm the type to be quiet about everything, since I met you I felt more confident in myself." While Izumi and Yua were out having fun, a sketchy vibe filled a Car parking lot down the street from them. "When is this bitch going to hurry up I'm tired of waiting..." "You must wait Iron, Chap will be here soon. In the meantime, I will be back do not dare to start anything without me." The vibes of the lot grew stronger and stronger a source of energy perhaps. An hour would pass.

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