Chapter 85

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💖Chapter 85 💖

Alec :magnus!!! Fast!!! I am tired.. (he said while racing the accelerator of the his bike)

Magnus :wait!!!almost there. (he said on the way rushing towards alec, with his hand full of groceries bag )

Alec :what??? Are you going to open a restaurant?? (he said taking some bags from magnus hand and hanging it on the handlebar)

Magnus :You said you want something spicy!!! (he said wearing his helmet while Alec holding two bags in his both hands..)

Alec :look that uncle crossing us will definitely think we are buying groceries for business (he said dumping those bags one after another on magnus lap)

Magnus :don't complain.. Or else I will return everything let's order and eat.. Are you okay with that (he said and about to stand on his feat)

Alec:no!!!! No!!! Are there any other bags.. So i can carry on my head too.. (he said sarcastically)

Magnus :idiot!! (he kicked him with his elbow..)

Once they reach the loft, Alec falls on the bed like a dead man .

Magnus :remove those shoes first (he said before rushing into the bathroom)

Alec :don't behave like a prison warden (he said and slammed his head back on the bed.)

Magnus came out and laughed at the view in front of him.. Alec lying on his stomach, facing his left side, his mouth was partly opened in sleep like a little kid,a thin but high frequency snore escaped from that little gap.. His butt was a little uplifted, he had no idea how much his hands were dying to spank him.. He chuckled and moved close to alec.. He removed his shoes and threw them on the doorway..

After an hour Alec woke up with frowning.. His nose was moving right and left in sleep.. The delicious smell from the kitchen wakes him up.. He walked towards the kitchen with his eyes half closed.. He saw Magnus doing something.. The smell from the pan and the smell from the gravy was totally different.. He walked towards him and saw a thin piece of bread-like thing and a reddish gravy in the vessel..

"Mmmmmmmm..'' Alec moaned when he waved his hand from the stove to his nose, he sniffed hard to take the smell..

"careful!!! The food is gonna jump from the pan and enter into your nose.. That's how you are smelling it ''Magnus laughed at Alec's reaction…

Alec :hey what is this??? (he asked while dipping his hand into the hot sauce of redness and sucking it by closing his eyes)

Magnus looked at him in amuse..

Magnus :it's sort of Asian dinner recipes with less calories and more delicious (he said flipping the bread on the pan)

Alec :ouchh!! (he burned his hand when he tried to take a piece of thin bread like thing from the plate but he was not giving up, he finally took a piece without burning his fingers, and moaned loudly when he ate it, making Magnus laugh at the view) why does it taste familiar to me?? (he asked confusingly..)

Magnus :it's your favorite one and you ate it so many times in the past 6 months.. (on saying that he was lost in thoughts)

Alec :So if we forget something.. We have a chance to remember when we get to taste it again?? (he asked cryptically on looking magnus eyes)

Magnus couldn't listen to his words, his mind already lost in those past memories with alec…

Alec :magnus!!! You are zoned out!! (he waved his hand in front of his face)

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