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"We always had faith in each other.That's what made me and Ares relationship so strong"-Naya Lemaire

"get your disgusting hands offf him before the next one goes in your head"I warn.

Hades growls and pushes Ares off and fixes his suit.

He gives me a fake smile and says "I was just having a conversation with my nephew"."A conversation that has no need to get touchy"Kasimir warns.

Hades frowns and motions for Apollo to follow him.But instead he stops in front of me.

"Naya-"."-Get the fuck out my face,Apollo".

He looks at me sadly before sidestepping and walking out the door.I walk over to Ares who frowns.

"Are you okay?".

He nods his head and looks at Kas."I should warn my dad.They are not giving up that seat as the Makris Head"."They will trust me.Their Allies know how weak they are now.It's no hiding anymore".

"What exactly do you plan on doing?"I ask Kas."What do you mean?".

I narrow my eyes and cross my arms."My parents and everyone else might be stupid but I am not.You knew Ares father was alive.Are you his secret ally or something".

Kas and Ares look at each other before Kas chuckles."You were not lying when you said that she was smart as hell.To think that our dad could hide it from her"."Our?"Ace says.

My eyes widen and I point to the two of them."Campbell.Your father is the head of the Campbell family!"I say.

They both nod and I facepalm."Oh my god?This makes so much fucking sense!The way that Campbell families started to gain traction just a year after Adonis Makris died.And the fact that you were protecting Ares from the shadows"."Super smart.You better wife her up,Makris"Kas states.

Ares eyes narrows into mine and I gulp as I see all the lust in them."I plan to".

I roll my eyes and look over to Ace."Now you know though"."Which means-".

He steps up and glances at Ares."You know that day you never gave me time to process stuff.Your my bestfriend idiot.I didn't own loyalty to your uncle.Kira maybe but me?I was going to go with you that night.You just move always too fast for my liking".

Ares eyes go wide and he says "Wait so"."You have my full support as the next head of Makris.I never had my full loyalty to Hades anyways.Why do you think I haven't changed my last name".

Ares eyes brighten and he says "You mean it?"."I mean it 100 percent idiot".

"Ace Makris.You know that has a nice ring to it moron"."Naya Makris does as well,Princess"Ares says.

I smile at him and cup his face."I know.I can't wait to have your last name,Blondie".

I peck his lips and my phone rings."I have to go.I have a job to do for my parents".

Ares stares at me and I point at him."I know that face.Ares I've been doing this for years remember?Dont worry about me"."Just be careful please?".

I nod my head and kisses him sweetly."Please just be careful, princess"he says softly.

I move back and caress his cheek softly."I will.I'll even let you put a tracker in me".

His eyes widen and he nods his head quickly."Your safety is all that matters to me Naya".

I walk over to the draw and pull his watch out."How did you know that had a tracker on it?".

I give him a look and he chuckles softly."I love you princess"."I love you too Ares.Call me if you need anything".

"You call us if you need anything"Kasimir says."Yea we will come blazin, Naya"Ace says confidently.

I roll my eyes and walk out of the room.I may have lied.Was I going on a mission?

Yes.But this definitely wasn't under my parents.Let's call it my own self mission.

They have been acting weird and I need to find out what the hell they are hiding.I wanted to hang out with them today but they made it clear that they have a important meeting that they can't miss.

Nowadays my parents have their missions at the house for safety and privacy.Little do they know?

I bugged the whole house for safety reasons.I walk over to my car and drive over to the house.

Four cars.Looks like I'm this meeting was important.I park on the side so that they don't see me coming.

Taking out my computer,I pull out the cameras and bugs through out the house.

After looking at every bug and cameras I put in,it leads me to the basement.There my mother stood by herself with men surrounding her.

"I thought that they had a meeting together?I guess not?

I zoom in to see who she was talking to and turn the sound on."My love we need a new plan".

Mom rolls her eyes and sits back."I've done all that I can.I told you where Ares Makris would be that night.I told you to do with that information with what you will".

My eyes go wide when I see the same guy with sea green eyes sitting across from her."It seems that Ares was indeed a god.100 men by himself?I need more resources to kill him"."You have run out of time.Orginally I did what hm dead because he isn't good enough for my daughter.But if he can take on-".

"-Im better!".

My eyes go wide when I see Apollo step up.How the fuck did he get over here that fast.He must've been hauling ass.

"I am far better than my brother.once we get rid of Ares Naya will come back to me.She always does".

is he fucking stupid? When have I ever come to him?

We're all the Makris this delusional?

I thought it was just my boyfriend but it's just the whole family at this point.

Mom looks up and says "Ive seen someone in love and my daughter is in love with Ares Makris.Nothing you do not say will get her to turn against Ares"."What about her loyalty to this family?She broke up him once.She can do it again for her family".

"What are you suggesting?"."You want your husband dead don't you?I can make it look like Ares Makris' did it".

"He's in the hospital.No one would be believe you"Apollo says."Of course not now.But when gets real and Ares is back to being healthy?Raphael Lemaire will die and it will be Ares Makris' doing".

Sea-green smirks and says "Very well.I like that idea.I just need Ares Makris out the picture.I don't care how you do it".

He stands up and looks at Apollo."And you.If you want your spot as Mafia don.You will need to not show your emotions so much.No one likes an emotional leader.Sound more of a bitch than a leader".

He walks away and I turn the stuff off.

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