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"Everyone has demons.Whether they show it or not is up to them"-Ace Galvanis

I drop another body to the ground and look around."They were so fucking weak.None of them could handle us".

Ares wipes his hands off and throws a knife behind me.It lands in a guys throat and he falls down.

"Watch your surrounding"."Yes boss"I joke.

I look around and frown."God.Thats everyone in the mansion?We took everyone out in the mansion.I'm so bored..I want more".

Ares yanks his dagger out a man's chest before cleaning it with a handkerchief.

"You put our symbol on there?"."Yes".

I pull my phone out and call big boss."Reaper what do you want"."I just wanted to call you to tell you that you don't have to worry about that offshore Mansion that the Volkov owe".

He pauses before laughing."You both took them all out"."Not a single one alive!Aren't you proud".

Ares rolls his eyes before walking over to the door.He grabs a lighter and I smirk.

"Well we have to go.Just wanted to update you on the situation".

He hangs up as we walk out of the mansion."Pretty mansion with amazing architecture"."Too bad it has to burn down in flames"Ares continues.

"So sad".

He throws the lighter down to the ground sparking a fire to spread."You know you don't have such bad ideas after all".

He looks at me confused and tilts his head."Since when do I have bad ideas"."I don't know..basically all of your ideas.For you to be the leader of our little trio..your ideas suck ass".

"I think I have pretty good ideas"."You thought wrong".

"Im feeling pizza tonight?"I ask."Pizza sounds fine".

We walk over to the car and I get in the passenger seat."Let's go check on Apollo first"."Right".

"Uh you are have a little something on your face"Ace points out.

I pull the mirror on down to see my face was covered in blood.I grab a wipe from the side of the door and wipe my face off.

We get to the campus and I pull my shirt off and Ace looks at me."How did you explain Those scars on your back to Naya?".

"She hasn't seen them.I stood behind her in the shower.And whenever I fucked her I was on top"."She never got a sneak peek when sleeping".

"Naya is a heavy sleeper.I always get up first and put a shirt on".I grab a hoodie out the trunk and put it on."Burn-".

"-I know the drill boss".

I look down at my watch and notice we've been gone for 4 hours."See you later?".

Ace pats my shoulder before walking away.He gets in the car and drives away.I pull out my phone and go to my messages.

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