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"The truth always comes to light"

That morning
Based on all the research that Uncle gave me,Phillip was hiding out in an underground building.

I know crazy they have things like
that.And bypassing the security?

Childs play.I get inside and look around.My eyes drift to a teenage boy eating a plate of food.

"You weren't hard to find".He jets his blue eyes up and jumps back.

"How..How did you g-g-get in here?!?"."You're security is weak kid.You really need to try harder.You remember me?".

"You're the monster who slaughtered my family"."Well.Your family slaughter my parents so I thought an eye for an eye worked best".

He looks at me like I'm crazy and says "What?!?Are you crazy?My parents didn't kill your parents"."Pretty sure they did.My uncle tracked them down".

"Uncle.As in..Hades.Hades Makris?!?"."Yes".

His eyes widen and he jets up.I pull my knife out and point it at him."What do you think your doing kid?"."Wait.I have proof! Follow me to the library.Please".

I sigh and motion for him to watch.It will be bullshit anyways but the least I can do is give him a chance at possibly living.

That's always fun.

We get to the library and and he pulls out a computer."My father was a genius.And I remember that he had cameras installed here just in case meetings went wrong.That's the main reason he always had them in his house".

He pulls up a security clip and turns behind me."Your uncle set us up, Angel of Death.He made it look like it was us but it was actually him".

I do a humorless laugh and say "You want me to believe that My uncle killed his brother and his sister in law?For what reason exactly".

He gives me a serious look and says "Because they were weak in his eyes.Just watch this clip".

He presses play and I lean forward.

"What are you doing here Hades"Marcel Petrov says."I am here to give you a job opportunity".

"And what would that be?".He slides them a file and Marcels eyes go wide.

"You want us to kill Adonis and Elena Makris?!?Are you insane?"."They are weak and bad for the Makris.I already had to fix one of them, the other is a lost cause".

Marcel slams the papers down and glares at him."Oh please.Don't give me that stupid excuse of weakness.Everyone knows that Adonis Makris is the rightful heir to the Makris Mafia.Don't give us some bullshit excuse.We all know that your father Laos Makris gave your brother the heir spot instead of you.You want him dead so you can take the stop for yourself".

Hades laughs and says "No one would actually believe you if you told then that.Your family is known for their assassinations that make it look like someone else.That's why I came here to offer you a job".

"I refuse this job.Elena Makris is an amazing woman and shouldn't have to with the fallout of your greed".

Hades growls and says "That was my whore first! Adonis took her from me and If you won't do it,I will find a way to make you".

Marcel stands up and says "Right.Good luck with that..You can see your own way out".

Phillip cuts the video and looks up at me."So when your uncle didn't get what he wanted he framed my family and sent you to kill them".

I stand up and sit back."My uncle..killed my parents to get full control of the mafia"."Yes! Thats what I'm trying to tell you.And right now he sent you here so he could kill me before I tell anyone the truth".

An idea pops in my head and smirk."I have a idea"."That is?".

"How do you like Japan?"."I mean I don't hate it why?".

"Because I'm going to kill you-"."-Wait what-".

"-I'm not going to actually kill you.I'm simply going to fake your death and send you to Japan to a personal Ally of mine"."What are you going to do about your uncle?".

I narrow my eyes and say "I'm going to kill him"."wait what?!".

"As the oldest son of Adonis and Elena Makris,that mafia don title is mine.So.I'll kill him and take that spot for myself.I will lead it the way my father and I envisioned"."Is that what you want to do?Do you think that's the best idea?".

"That's the only idea.So let's fake your death shall we?".

It's been a week and I haven't heard from Ares.Hell Ace and Kira haven't heard from Ares and I'm starting to get worried.

I walk over to the corner to see Kira and Ace talking."Still nothing?".They look at me sadly and shake their head.

"Why was he in Greece?"."Greece?Thats where he told you he was at?".

"Yea..was he not in Greece?".

They look at each other before sighing."His uncle gave him a job to get the last member of the Petrov and take him to Greece"."The Petrov family?Isn't that the family that -".

"-Killed Apollo and Ares' family?Yea.It is"."But that's a simple job right?Whats so hard about it?".

"The boy is in Russia".My eyes go wide and I jet up.

"The Russian territory?Thats the worse place for Ares to go to unannounced?!?! What if the Volkov family find out that he's there"."He could die.Which is why I'm getting worried that maybe something happened?!?".

I frown as Ace's phone rings."Yea Boss?".

Aces eyes go wide and he jets up."He did what!?! How did he..why did he..Oh.Right okay"."Yes.I'll let you know when he's back".

He hangs up and Ace pauses."What?"I ask.

He looks at Kira and says "He killed him"."Wasn't Uncle's orders to take him to Greece?You're telling me that Ares killed him before he even left?".

Ace gulps and says "Brutally at that.I don't what the boy said to Ares for a switch to flip but..he's on his way back to New York.And he should be here any minute".

I nod my head and turn back to Ace.Just know the door opens and Ares walks in.

He was different.It was more of his body demeanor that changed.His eyes were lifeless as he drags his suitcase in.

"Ares!Why the hell haven't you talk to us!?"."Yea we have all been worried about you".

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