25-End of part 1

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"Opportunity is what gives us more light than darkness"-Kasimir Campbell

I look at the man confused and he smirks.

"My name is Kashmir Campbell.And I think we can help each other"."And how could we possibly do that?".

"The world underestimated us psychopaths.They think we have no heart.The Darkest Deceptions are pyschopaths.We love to love.We cry just like normal people.They don't understand us".

He looks at me and says "My pitch to you?You die on this roof.It will a tragedy and I'm sure that women you love will mourn your death.But life will move on.Flowers will grow.Car will still be moving.Life will go on"."Or".

He smiles and says "You can mentally die on this roof.And I can give you a new purpose in life.Starting with the Makris family you love so much.You can only break that engagement if one of the family back out.That family will be the Makris family.I will help you destroy their power and influence"."What is in it for you?".

"You help me gain power among the other mafia families.Things haven't been the same since I could power of this family".I look at him shocked and say "Who are you?".

He gives me a smile and says "Im the banished Leader of the Campbell English mafia".

My eyes widen and he holds his hand out."We can help each other,Ares Makris".

"And why should I trust you?"."Because what else do you live for if you aren't taking a risk".

Aww what the hell!
What I have to lose that I haven't already lost?

I smirk and shake his hand."Alright.I will trust you"."You will not be let down.First step.Leave the Makris family tomorrow morning.Supposedly you will be having a family dinner.Leave them and then you contact me.I will get you on the first plane to England.And you will work under me".

"You have a deal".He steps away and hands me a card.

"We will meet again,Ares".

He walks away and I look down at the roof.Maybe I did die today.Mentally speaking.

the next morning

I felt like this shit all night.Ares left the party and when I thought that I would see him at the apartment wrong.

He wasn't there.And now?He was late for breakfast.

Hades clears his throat and says "He was doing a task for me so I'm sorry that he is running behind".

Ace and Kira look at each other before frowning.And let's not talk about this new member of the Makris.Callisto Makris.

Hades officially announced him as the heir to the Makris mafia.And Ares was nowhere in sight.

I look and my eyes widen.Ares walks in definitely different from last night.I thought he would look..Pissed or annoyed but he looked..calm?

He sits down and his uncle glares at him."Where were you?"."Minding my fucking business"Ares says coldly.

Ares pulls his napkin out and takes a sip of his drink.

"It seems that you are doing better"Apollo says.Ares smiles and says "Yep.I feel so much better".

"Did you have a gummy before this breakfast again?"Kira asks.He shakes his head and grabs a menu.

"What's good here?I think I'm in the mood for French toast".He pauses and thinks.

"Maybe I should do it big.French toast and pancakes!It's a special occasion"."Im sorry?"I ask.

The waiter comes over and Ares tells them his order."Oh and can I get this to go?I have a plane to catch".

Apollo stares at him and says "What are you talking about? Where are you going"."Last night I thought all hope was loss.I was standing on the roof looking down and I thought I was hopeless.And then...a guardian Angel came"Ares says dreamily.

My eyes go wide and he smiles."And they made me realize that I can have a way better life.So! Im leaving the Makris family permanently"He says happily."What?"we all say.

"You can't do that!?"Hades says."I just did.I already paid my buyout so I will be out your hair.I feel like this family has weighed me down enough".

"You can't leave! you are my Angel of death"."Not anymore!I found someone who fully values me for me and understands me".

He sits back and says "So technically this is the first last meal I will have here as a Makris!Im debating if I want to change it to my mother's maiden name or find something that fits me"."Ares you aren't leaving the Makris.You are the foundation of this family"Kira says.

"Yea..no.If anything my guardian Angel has informed me that i will there everything and their equal.Besides, I could never work for a snake like yourself".

Hades glares at him and says "What are you talking about?"."Hmm.Is that what you are going to tell yourself? That nothing is wrong here.Let's just say I found out the truth about what happened to my parents that night".

Hades eyes go wide and he growls."You piece of-"."-Hey'Not nice!You don't have to worry about me snitching about your little secret.Because I won't have to.It will come out itself".

The waiter comes back with the food and Ares points to Apollo."Do me a favor and Put on my food right here on that piece of shits tab".

He turns to Ace and Kira and says "I would ask you if you want to come with but your loyalty will always be with uncle and I can't have that.I guess this is last time we see each other for a minute yea?".

Ace nods his head slowly and Ares pats his shoulder."you were always my brother.A bitch..but still my brother".

He stands up and grabs the bag.I jet out my seat and Ares walks away.I follow behind him and grab his arm.He jets around and narrows his eyes at me.

"What?"."Is that how it will be.I let this stand because I had an understanding that we would still be around each other".

He smiles and cups my face softly."I don't share ,princess.And I never will.I'm no one second option"."You will never be my second option Ares.I love you".

"Not enough.Let's just do what fate made us do.That maybe it wasn't worth it"."I didn't  mean that Ares.You know I didn't mean that".

He smile ssoftly and say "Maybe you should.Maybe it's best that we go our separate ways.You have a familia to lead and I..I have a life to figure out.I wish you nothing but the best Naya".

He starts to walk away and I don't let go of his hand."I won't ever stop loving you.Your brother will never compare to you".

He smirks and say  "I fucking know that already".

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