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"It's always the weakest that fall for tricks"-Kasimir Campbell

Me and Sofia run to him as Naya trails behind us.

"A gunshot wound.We need to treat him"."A stab wound to the chest as well.What mission did you send him on"Naya says pissed.

Ares looks over my shoulder and smirks at Eli Volkov whose face was pale.

"Im the..Angel of Death..you can't..kill me".

His eyes close again and I jet my head to Eli."Oh your dead"I say.

I look over to Boss who was looking at Eli with murderious eyes.His cold green eyes go to me and he nods his head and motions up.

"The second floor.Let's take him there".

Ace rushes over and helps me carry Ares upstairs.I pulls his shirt open and my eyes go wide.Naya gasps and closes her mouth.

"How the fuck was he able to ride his bike here"I say shocked.

He had bruises all over his chest."He needs to go to a hospital"Ace says shocked.

Aaliyah rushes in and says "Uh guys Ares dad just shoot and killed Eli".

My eyes drop and I look at Sofia."I guess we are moving to plan b?"she asks.

I nod my head and throw her my keys."Take him to the hospital"."You got it ..little boss".

I glare at her and rush out of the room.

"He's going to be fine, Naya.Ares is basically unkillable"Aaliyah says.

Apollo frowns and I narrow my eyes at him.He's been actually extremely calm considering what happened.

Adonis had a doctor and surgeon on deck which is a little concerning.So we were waiting outside of one of the rooms in this mansion hoping my boyfriend would survive.

I take a deep breathe and Kasimir walks out of the room.I jet up as Hades and Adonis follow suit.

Adonis glares at his brother and looks at Kas."So?".

Kasimir ignores him and follows his eyes to Apollo.Apollos eyes widen as Kasimir smiles.

"You fucked up little Makris"he says coldly."What are you talking about?"Hades asks.

Kas turns around and smirks."He knows what I'm talking about.I would like to inform you that Callisto Makris is no longer alive.I had Ares kill him".

Hades eyes go wide and he grabs Kas' collar."You killed my heir! You piece-"."-I would have also know Callisto was working for the Volkovs".

"What!"."Oh yea he was selling all your secrets to them.So when I found out I told Ares to stop it.You should be thanking me".

Hades narrows his eyes and Ace looks at him."How is Ares"."Considering he just took on 100 guys by himself,I would say the Angel of Death is more like a god of war".

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