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"Turn your fear into strength"-Kasimir Campbell


"What the fuck Aaliyah!"Naya yells.

I look up from my window and turn to the door.Today was the day of the Ball hosted by my father.

Though to be honest the ball wouldn't be so bad after all.I'll be able to see the fall of the Makris family led by my uncle.

And that is a victory in itself.I mean the look on his face when he finds out that the person who he tried to kill is alive?!?!

Ohhhh this is going to be so much more fun!
I can't wait!

Im literally jumping with excitement right now.

The door opens and Aaliyah walks in to look at me."You ever heard of knocking"I say annoyed.

Aaliyah opens her mouth when Naya walks in."Drop the attitude Ares"."Yes princess"I say quickly.

Aaliyah holds in a laugh as Naya looks around. "Are you going to the dinner hosted by this mysterious guy?"."Wait I thought the Makris was hosting it?"Aaliyah asks.

"Nope.Apparently some guy is ordering all of the mafia families to their house tonight for a reveal of a lifetime.Or whatever the card said.It shouldn't be too crazy which is with You and Apollo are invited"."I would hope not.Besides Ares will be there to protect me right?".

I point to Naya and say "Your bestfriend is a mafia assassin.I'm not protecting you.I'm worried about two people.Princess and Kasimir.That's it"."Not even your brother?".

"Don't care"."You should at least watch out for him,Ares".

I raise my eyebrow and say "Isn't that your job".She throws a pillow at me and I chuckle.

"Ooooh it's a party in here.Everyone about to get lit for this party?"Ace says walking in.Kira  follows behind him as Apollo causally walks in like he owns the place.

"I think I'll be wearing a gray suit.It brings out my eyes"Apollo says casually."Sure whatever"Aaliyah says.

I smirk as Ace puts his arm around her.At least she didn't end up with that idiot.

My phone rings and I reach over to anwser it."Hello?"."We have a problem"Kasimir says.

My eyes widen and I say "What is it?"."Big boss..he doesn't want your uncle dead".

My eyes darken and I jet my head up."What did you just say?"."He has a plan Ares and-".

"That isn't enough for me.I want him dead.I'll do it myself"I warn."Trust me I do too.But if Boss-".

"I don't give a rats ass what that old bastard wants.I'll end his life painfully.I'll do nice and slow"."Just wait a moment before you go out on a rampage.Boss wants you as the next head of the Makris".

I freeze and tilt my head slightly."What?"."Right okay.In order for you to be the next head,Hades has to pass it to you.But of course Hades has a successor so you need to get rid of him before tonight".

My eyes widen in excitement and I say "Oh?Okay.You know what I have no problem with that.I'll go get ready right now"."Hold your tits death,it needs to look like the Laurent family did it".

I nod my head and say "Okay.Easy.I got that"."Great because Sofia should be at your place any minute to help you.Don't disappoint us".

He hangs up and I jump up."Where are you going?Does Kasimir have a mission for you".

I walk over to Naya and kiss her forehead."Don't worry.I'll be there right in time for the dinner.You don't have to worry at all"."But your supposed to be my date.I have to walk in with you!".

"You can walk in with-"."-Fuck off Apollo"Me and Naya say.

Apollo frowns as Naya turns back to me."I'll be back just in time for the introduction.I promise Princess"."Swear to me that you will".

"I swear to you,Princess".

She nods her head and says "I need to start getting ready".Her and Aaliyah walk out as Ace looks at me.

"You are cooking up something,Kouros"."Don't worry about me.Worry about protecting my wife".

He looks at me amused before leaving with Kira.Apollo gives me a smirk before walking out my room.

What the hell was that about?

I snap out my thoughts and grab my stuff and my suit in a bag.Let's get this super easy kill from Callisto.

I walk back to my room and sit down in my bed waiting for my phone to ring.

My brother has enjoyed this last days of being on a high horse.Being the most noticeable of the Makris.

After I get rid of him and Callisto, uncle will have no choice but to make me the heir of the Makris Family.

A slam of the front door signifying that Ares left causes me to smirk.Right on cue my phone rings and I quickly anwser it.

"Are you ready tonight?"I ask.

He grunts and says "Ready?Im not stupid,I've been dying for this moment for days.Today is the day that Ares Makris meets his death"."Im glad that we are on the same page,Eli".

"Im a Volkov,Im not stupid.Callisto has been working for us for months and your stupid uncle couldn't even see it.At least you had the brains to find out and build a alliance from it"."Im a Makris remember.We love to hide in plain sight".

He laughs and says "I see this as a win for you and your uncle.Ares Makris dead.Naya's future fiancée dead and the Campbell families angel of death dead.All way to weaken two families.The Lemaires will be crawling back to your family for a arrange marriage again.The Campbell can be weaken so much I can get an alliance with them".

I smile and say "Just make sure that you do what you're supposed to do and I will do what I'm supposed to do"."Oh don't worry.Waiting with Callisto is 100 of my best men.Ares Makris will end up dead in an abandoned warehouse.It will take them days to find him".

"Great.We will talk later than","Right".

He hangs up and I sit back in my chair.With Ares dead,Naya will come back to me.

She was always with me until Ares came into the picture.She broke her promise when she told me that she wouldn't start anything with him.

Now I have to take matters into my own hands to make sure that nothing goes any further with them.Naya is someone that I will not have Ares take for himself.

He will break her and destroy her heart just like he does with everyone else who comes into contact with him.

Ares is poison and I will be damned if I let Naya get infected.

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