Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

    The old woman in the room was none other than the late emperor's direct sister, the current aunt of the Holy Majesty, Ling Weizhou's great-aunt, and the most honorable woman in the Yong Dynasty.

    The eldest princess of Jinyang, Ling Xianyu.

    The old ancestor suddenly appeared and caught Ling Weizhou off guard. He considered his words and whispered: "The grandson is so confused that he doesn't know when his aunt will arrive. It's all the grandson's fault for disturbing the peace of my aunt.

    " Listening to her old man's voice, she said calmly: "I heard that the plum blossoms in Xichun Garden are in full bloom recently, so I came to enjoy them today when I have free time. I don't want to bump into a little girl who is unconscious when I just arrived at Jinghu Lake. I think she is pitiful. It seems that he was still injured and brought here for a rest."

    Shen Wei didn't have an accident, and she wasn't slighted by anyone, Ling Weizhou was worried for a long time, and finally he was able to let go.

    His face became much more relaxed: "If I go back to my aunt, this is Hua'er, the wife of my grandson who has never been married. There was an accident when I went to the garden just now. Thanks to my aunt who passed by and rescued her, my grandson is very grateful.

    " Then I felt a little weird, if there was only Shen Hua alone, why would he be in a different place from Ling Zhili?

    The most important thing is why her clothes changed, she was wearing a cold white robe just now, but now it is a lotus gray long coat, under what circumstances would she suddenly have to change clothes.

    He thought about it and tentatively said: "May I ask my aunt if she saw any suspicious people when she arrived? Grandson should also catch the suspicious people as soon as possible.

    " I fell on the ground for a long time, and she was cold when I arrived, so I gave her the clothes I brought with me."

    Seeing that Ling Weizhou was still scrutinizing, the eldest princess narrowed her eyes and said softly: "What, the prince Don’t you even believe what I say?”

    The elder was still kind and kind, but the next moment he said in a stern voice: “I haven’t seen you for a few years, and the prince has become more reckless and reckless in his actions. I don’t know how this noble concubine raised her son. "

    Although the eldest princess has passed her sixtieth year, her life cannot but be called wonderful.

    At the age of fifteen, she fell in love with the champion of the new martial arts. At the age of eighteen, she married with red makeup, and gave birth to their youngest son the next year. After that, she followed the son-in-law who was named a general to Hexi to garrison.

    At the age of 20, the husband and wife were loving each other. They didn't want the enemy to invade and almost captured Hexi. The son-in-law died in the battle. She was a woman who led the whole city's people and generals to guard the city gate for ten days. They insisted on waiting for reinforcements. A veritable heroine.

    But she had no time to distract her seriously ill child in order to defend the city. In that bitter battle, she not only lost her husband, but also lost her young child.

    Even if her husband was posthumously granted, she was also rewarded, but she was never seen smiling again.

    Gao Zu felt sorry for his daughter being alone, she was still so young, and wanted to find another husband for her, but she refused on the grounds of being filial for her husband.

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