97. 𝐴𝑙𝑙'𝑠 𝐹𝑎𝑖𝑟 𝐼𝑛 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 & 𝑃𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠

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"Drake?" Queen asked again, her voice sounding just as confused as it did the first time I told her. "I don't get it. The man is crazy but I don't see what he'd get out of killing so many people...just to get back at you? That's weird."

"It is weird," I replied, looking down at her. "But it can't be a coincidence that of all the people to name, Aiden names the man who hates my guts- he has a motive, but Aiden doesn't. He makes sense for this. The man's been trying to bring me down for almost two years now. We're going to go visit him. Either way, he's not innocent in this. We'll get answers one way or another."

She nodded and I cupped her cheek, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Are you sure I shouldn't come with you guys?"

"Absolutely not," I said. It was bad enough that Paris and I were jumping into this shit head first, I didn't need Queen in danger too. "The man is unpredictable. I'd feel much better knowing that you're safe here if things go left. Besides, someone needs to be here to make sure Aiden stays put."

She placed a kiss on my palm and sighed. "Please be careful. If anything goes wrong just let me know—cut a message or something into your arm, anything." I sighed as she referred to our bond, a reminder that if I got hurt tonight, I wouldn't be the only one who felt it.

I'm fucking stupid.

"I will be fine," I assured her, trying to erase the negative thoughts from her head and mine. My words didn't relax her in the slightest as she remained tense and I sighed, pulling her into my arms. "Relax. If something goes wrong, I promise I'll send a message. I swear."

She softened a bit in my arms and I buried my face into her hair, breathing in her sweet smell. I heard Paris walk back into the living room and I nodded at him. He nodded in return, a silent exchange passing between us as I begrudgingly pulled away from Queen. "We're leaving now. Lock the doors, don't open—"

"Syn, please." She smiled. "I'm not a child, I know the whole talk. I'll be okay. Worry about yourself, I'm a big girl. I won't die if I'm home alone for a couple of hours." She squeezed my hand and I squeezed it back before letting go and tucking my hands into my jeans.

"Okay." I leaned in for another kiss and she returned it with a smile before pushing me away playfully.

"Go." She crossed her arms.

I smiled. "I'll see you later."

"Later, then."


Paris and I stepped out of the portal, a low crunch sounding as our feet landed on the scattered leaves on the cobblestone driveway. I had been throughout Juva for most of my life and most of it was a city- skyscrapers and buildings lining the streets for millions of miles upon end. The city was a technological kaleidoscope of modern design- there were hardly any trees anywhere in sight. Drake must've paid a fortune for this place- it had to be the last of its kind in this realm.

The mansion was hidden within the forested area on the border of the city- you couldn't have ended up here unless you knew exactly where to go. The roads stopped a mile back- the colorful lights and buildings in the city were like a maze, keeping most citizens from driving too far in any one direction. Everyone was satisfied with that as everything they needed was within a reasonable distance.

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