21. 𝐵𝑒 𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝐴𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑑

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May 3, 2023


When I said I got him, I meant it.

I truly did. I just didn't expect him to have me back...Not like this. I had been fully awake in his grips for the past two hours as he slept the day away.

In the past, Syn was never the cuddling type. I mean, I'd fall asleep in his arms yet wake up in the middle of the night with him a million miles away. If he was up, he'd come back to me...but there had been times where he didn't notice. He'd stay in his corner of the bed with his back to me like I was some stranger.

Those should've been the times where I held him as tight as I could. I couldn't even begin to imagine what things his mind would conjure up— what memories his subconscious would replay. I suppose hindsight was 20/20 because looking back, I wanted to slap myself for having the audacity to be hurt that he wasn't being as affectionate as I was.

I'd make up for it though...eventually.

But not right now.

Not when I was starting to sweat my ass off under him. The man was great for a cold night in a palace, but in a house where my brother liked to keep the temperature at a sauna level? No fucking way. I didn't even know how I managed to stay this long.

I turned gently in his arms, careful not to wake him up, and lifted his heavy arm off of me. After carefully placing it back down on the bed, I sat up and glanced at him. He stirred slightly, making me briefly freeze before he returned to his still position.

Seeing that it was finally safe to move, I slipped my feet into my slippers and grabbed the half-empty bowl of popcorn on the bed. I left the room and walked downstairs to argue with Abel about the thermostat, but my steps slowed when I saw Saint sitting alone in the middle of the carpet.

I furrowed my brows, confused as to why he was here by himself, and set the bowl down on the counter. "Hey baby boy," I said as I walked over to him. Noticing me, he took his finger out of his mouth and gave me a huge grin, showcasing his tiny teeth. "Where's uncle Abel?" I picked him up and set him on my hip. "Oof, you get heavier every day baba."

I tickled his small cheek and he giggled before pointing to the slightly opened patio door. "Outside," he yelled.

"Okay," I whispered. "Outside it is."

I walked to the glass door, opened it with my foot, and slipped out into the courtyard. At the seating area a few feet away from me, I saw Abel sitting on a stool, a wooden paint palette in one hand and a paintbrush in the other. His glasses were perched comfortably on his nose as his eyes focused on the canvas and I rolled my eyes.

I lifted my leg and removed my slipper before chucking it at his head and knocking him out of his zone. "What the hell?!"

"Why is my son alone sitting alone in the house?"

"Because his mother is in bed with a man..." he teased as he fixed his glasses.

"I'm being serious," I said, rocking Saint slightly. "He could've hurt himself or worse someone could've broken in and snatched him!"

"Relax." He smiled. "I'd be more worried about the kidnappers when it comes to him." When he saw that u didn't laugh at his joke, he slumped his shoulders and sighed. "Queen, I know you're extra protective because of..." he ran a hand through his hair. "Saint is fine, okay? He will be fine. His parents are badass and he has a talented and kickass uncle."

"Cain would appreciate that compliment."

"I hate you."

I laughed before taking a seat beside him and looking at his painting. "Is this one going to be in the art exhibit?"

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