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January 17, 2001

The guards shut the door with a force so heavy that the guests in the corridor jumped. Six guards shuffled in synchronization to hide the evil behind the one metal door in the palace and stood like statues in front of it. The certainty that nobody could hear the piercing pounding of their heartbeats let them remain unfazed in front of the guests.

The party-goers in the corridor quickly scurried away from the hall and back downstairs to where the party was being held. Invitations were sent and posted throughout every home and post in Jeradua letting them know that the birthday of Felix SinClaire was being held on this very night.

The citizens in the kingdom remained wary of visiting the palace after the massacre their youngest son Syn, was responsible for. Everyone wondered about the true mystery of the young boy after rumors of him being the son of Lucifer circulated. King Julius and Queen Genesis never confirmed the falsity of the allegations, but Lucifer boasted about him to anyone that would listen.

"He's my son," Lucifer would say. "The one responsible for the chaos within your kingdom is my flesh and blood. One day he will reign terror upon you all."

His words spread like rapid-fire through all the realms, and several uprisings took place in the peaceful city of Jeradua. The kingdom was convinced that Julius could not keep his region in order and started petitions to have him removed as king.

With that news, Julius created a ritual that would earn him grace from his people. Some called it ego...others blamed his hubris, but a majority of the realms called his actions "the one redeemable action he's done as a ruler". Every orange moon, when the realms were in perfect alignment, and the universe had its biggest flux of magic...Julius would show just how much power he truly had over the darkness contained within the castle walls.

Tonight happened to be one of those nights.

What a greater day to have a ball for his oldest, and most esteemed son than the day where he was supposed to put down his youngest. No rumors could arise to say that Syn would one day overpower his older brother. Not when he was in the impoverished and lanky state he was in.

With Genesis forbidden from returning to the palace indefinitely after her so-called betrayals to the kingdom, Julius treated her son how he saw fit...how he believed the kingdom would judge favorably.

His torture of the young boy included isolation in an empty room and being stripped of basic privileges. Food was allowed scarcely to keep him complacent, and any form of entertainment was strictly prohibited.

The guards were taught these rules for days upon weeks until it was the only thing repeating in their minds.

1. All food and water will be served once a week through the metal slot in the door.
2. Don't refer to him by his name.
3. Don't speak to him.
4. Don't TRUST him.

No guard would dare stray from those rules after the last time a man showed sympathy to the boy. The actions of that one man led to a massacre of all the guests in a dinner held by Julius. That man was later executed in front of a crowd of servants and guards working in the palace. The image of the man's head being severed and falling to the floor would flash through all of their minds whenever they remotely thought about saying hello to Syn, loosening his chains, or giving him an extra piece of bread.

With those strict orders, everyone did as they were told.

A scratching noise from the inside of the room where Syn was made shivers run down their spines. No matter the conditions he was put under inside the empty room, he never made any noise. That was something that terrified the guards.

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