53. 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑦, 𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦...

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May 10, 2023


"Did it work?" He asked me through the phone as I watched the numbers on the elevator go up.

"Of course it did." I smiled. "I know how to do my job. After the video, he was practically begging to see me."

"Good," he said. "Stay on him. We can't afford to lose control over him right now. Just hang in there a while longer, that shouldn't be too hard for you, right?" His clipped tone made me frown and I leaned against the wall, wondering where the sudden animosity toward me was emerging from.

"What are you trying to say?"

He sighed. "Nothing. I just miss you. It's hard to see you with him even though I know none of it is real." Right. I stayed silent, chewing on my lip as I thought about Syn. "None of it is real...right Stella?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "It's all an act. I love you."

"Get home soon."

With that, the line went dead and I sighed. I moved my purse in front of me to put my phone away, but I missed the zipper and it fell face down onto the hard elevator floor. "Ugh!" I groaned, bending down to the floor and picking it up. When I saw a shattered screen I blew out a breath of frustration. Today just wasn't my day.

The elevator came to a subtle stop and with a ding, the wide doors opened. I expected Syn to already be here since he initiated the meet-up, but the lights were still off in the empty condo. The only thing lighting my way as I walked inside was the moonlight peaking through the sleek floor-to-ceiling mirrors.

"Syn!" I called out as I walked inside. The elevator closed behind me, taking away the small amount of light it was previously casting and leaving me surrounded by darkness. I pulled out my cell phone in frustration and looked down at it. You'd think with the shit I had on him he'd be a little goddamn earlier.

I tapped on the screen and it lit up, exposing me to the cracks that were now painted across it. "Come on," I whined as the broken phone moved at a snail's pace. When I finally made it to my contacts, I dialed Syn and held the phone against my ear impatiently.

After a couple of rings, I heard his ringtone.

From inside the condo. I looked around the dark room in shock, trying to spot him when a lamp in the corner suddenly turned on. "Okay, shit! Ruin the buildup." Queen stood up from the couch in the living room and faced me, dangling Syn's cell phone in the air. "I forgot to silence it."

I lowered my phone into my purse and swallowed a breath before holding my head up high and clutching my purse against my body. "Where's Syn?"

"Ahh," she said in realization as she took slow steps around the couch to appear in front of me. I wasn't afraid of her but the clicking of her boots in the silent room sent off an ominous echo that made me take a step back. "He's not coming."

"What do you mean?"

"I was the one who sent you the text to meet up." She smiled, tossing the cell phone onto the couch before crossing her arms and looking back at me. "Why do you look so scared?"

"I'm not."

"You should be," she said lowly as she tilted her head and studied me. After a few moments, she tapped her lips in thought before clicking her tongue. "Let's have a drink!"

She strode past me, the back of her shiny leather jacket reflecting the light from the buildings outside. Her dark jeans disappeared into the thigh-high boots she wore and I crossed my arms, slight jealousy pouring into me as I looked at her. She was beautiful. I could admit that as much as I disliked her, but what was so different about her and me that kept Syn up late at night thinking about her?

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