1. 𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑡

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October 26, 2021


"Let's go," I order D. She jumps in her seat surprised by my presence and I roll my eyes as I stride past her. Before she started working here I told her that I'd treat her as I treated all my other employees, and she was fine with it. I suppose she didn't truly understand what that meant until she got here.

I walked past the empty desks in the large area and headed towards the elevator. I could hear the rushed clicking of her heels behind me as she tried to catch up, yet I didn't wait for her. I pressed the elevator button a couple of times before waiting impatiently. When D finally made her way to my side she let out a tired breath and I gave her a side-eye.

When she noticed my look, she gave me a tight-lipped smiled and pulled at her shirt to fan herself down. "Sorry," she said. "It's harder to run with boobs than you'd think."

"Nobody told you to run, Dimitri," I muttered. "You would have made it here if you were to walk. It's an elevator."

"Right." She let out a small laugh and I looked in her direction. I noticed her hands were empty as she clasped them together and I raised a brow. She gave me a questioning look before her eyes widened in remembrance and she scurried back to her desk.

Unfortunately for her, the elevator opened on her way to the desk and I stepped inside. I pressed the button to the first floor and leaned against the wall as she tried to hurry back. I let out a huff of laughter when the doors began closing, but my humor immediately fell when I saw her raise the middle finger at me through the small opening in the closing doors.

Wow. Firing her had become one of my dreams in the past couple of months. She was annoying, her work was subpar, and her attitude was inappropriate for an office environment. The only tether that kept her in her job was me being too busy to find another assistant, her having to maintain her image as Mia, and Hades's insistence that I give her a chance...She was on her hundredth chance by now, but after how loyal he's been to me, I suppose I could honor his wishes for a while longer.

The elevator dinged open and I stepped out to see D next to the elevator fanning herself with a binder. "Shoot," I said as I walked past her.

"You have a press conference in an hour, a meeting with the witches to discuss barrier security in the Underworld, a missed call from Drake Kincaid that you need to return; he says it's urgent. Also, Stella DeMarco has made a move on you on your latest social media post that you should respond to," she read quickly.

"I'm aware of the press conference as that is where we are going right now..." I muttered as I opened the front door. "Let the witches know I'll be there at four. Fuck Drake Kincaid. And who the hell is Stella DeMarco?"

"Okay so firstly, are you sure you want to ignore Mr. Kincaid? He's in charge of the vampire faction now and he's kind of known for being...dangerous?"

"I don't care," I replied as I rushed down the steps. "If he has an issue, he can take it up with me in person. Speaking of person, who is this Stella girl?"

"That was a really bad segue, Syn," she mumbled from behind me as I continued walking down the busy street. "You've seriously never heard of her?!"


"She's one of the most famous pornstars ever, dude!"

"I don't watch porn," I said dryly. I ignored the eyes of the people staring at me as we passed. As always, their thundering heartbeats were always a joy to listen to, but their faces were annoying.


"Never have, never will."

"Dude, please tell me you're joking," she said.

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