Christmas Special

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*** Christmas Special ***

"...Hmmm," Hiraku hummed, her eyes closed tightly with her arms crossed in front of her.

She was currently standing in the middle of a shopping aisle. Christmas was fast approaching and she has yet to buy a gift for her new friend.

'Heck, I didn't know it was this hard to buy a gift for Katsuki,' she thought, shaking her head when an employee approached her.

Hiraku was always the one running her mouth whenever she and Katsuki spent time together, so she literally had no idea what the boy liked.

"..Should I give him a meaningful gift?" she mumbled under her breath, "Or a useful one?"

She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself; she was close to tears just thinking about Katsuki hating her gift.

"Hmm? Nakahara-san?" Hiraku jumped in surprise at the voice behind her. "Oh, I'm sorry if I suprised you."

She laughed and waved her hand dismissively at the boy, saying, "It's fine, Izuku! You just startled me a bit."

Hiraku suddenly had an idea when she turned to face her uncle's new successor.

"Okay, I'll be on my wa–"

"Wait!" she grabbed the boy's arm, "You and Katsuki are close, right?"

"Well, I wouldn–"

"Good enough!" Before the boy could say anything, Hiraku had immediatly teleported the two of them to their usual spot at the trash-filled beach.

The two had yet to finish cleaning the shore.

"You gotta help me, Izuku," she grabbed the boy's shoulders, looking at him with a pleading look, "I don't know what I'm gonna gift Katsuki!"

Izuku sweatdropped, staring at the panicking number 5 hero. He would never have thought in his wildest dreams that he would be in front of the youngest pro hero; watching her panic on what to give her friend.

"..Uh, Nakahara-san," he said, grabbing her attention, "Kacchan and I haven't really been the best of friends these past few years, but I guess what I can tell you is that he's not really that much of a materialistic person."

"What!?" her eyes widened in shock. "Are you telling me that he'll hate whatever stuff I give him!?" Hiraku had tears in her eyes as she continued to say, "Katsuki will definitely hate me now..! Oh my gosh, I'm gonna lose my new best friend!"

Izuku did not know what to do as he watched the number 5 hero panic and cry. He bit his lip as he grabbed the girl's shoulders, making her stop.

"That's not what I said, Nakahara-san," he sighed heavily, "What I meant to say is that, whatever you give him, I'm pretty sure he'll like it."

"Are you sure?" Hiraku sniffled, wiping her tears.

"You're special to him so I'm pretty sure."

Hiraku smiled, hugging the boy with a giggle and saying, "Thank you so much, Izuku! You're the best!"

Izuku froze in place, still unfamiliar with the girl's sudden bursts of affection. When he finally came to, he had sighed heavily again. Hiraku was nowhere in sight, leaving him all alone in the garbage-filled shore.

He eyed the quickly falling sun, shaking his head when he thought about all the groceries he still had to buy.


Hiraku hummed happily as she stood at the usual street where she and Katsuki met. Even though Katsuki did not have school that day, he had texted her a few days ago that they should meet on Christmas day.

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