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The class continued going to their classes without any hitch again. A day after Hiraku woke up, she went to classes again.

She told them that she was going to rest from her hero duties for awhile. But there were three things that worried everyone in Class 1-A.

The first was that they noticed that her wounds still had not healed, which had meant that something was wrong with the girl.

The second was that Katsuki was in a bad mood all the time. He would yell at anyone who approached him, with the exception of Hiraku.

And the last one was, Hiraku had barely acknowledged any of them.

She would stare into space in silence for hours on end and when they talk to her, she would only answer with short responses and forced smiles.

They were worried for the girl. They did not know what she was going through, because she would not tell them anything. She would just repeatedly say that she was fine. They did not want to force her to say anything, so they just let her be.

They would just approach her to give her food, which she would eat in silence as she stared into space. The class had not seen Hiraku look like that before.

The Hiraku they were used to was always loud and obnoxious, but the Hiraku they were seeing now was silent and dismissive.

Her once lively eyes were now dull and unfocused. Her once bright smile were now forced and her once loud voice were now quiet whispers.

And from everyone in the class, Katsuki was the most affected. She did not leave his side, but she did not talk to him either. She would just stay beside him, completely quiet and sullen.

Then one night, while the two were strolling by their favorite tree, Hiraku spoke for the first time in a few days.

"I'm retiring."

Katsuki had frozen on his spot at her words. His eyes widened and when he turned to look at her, she only looked indifferent.

Katsuki did not want to get upset with the girl, but something inside him could not help it. She looked like what she just said was nothing. She looked like she could not give a fuck about anything and it angered Katsuki, because being a hero was everything to him.

She was his favorite hero and hearing her say those words with the most blank tone he had ever seen, angered him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Hiraku raised an eyebrow at the boy's angry tone, but her face remained indifferent which only angered the boy more. "Are you serious!? You're just going to give up! Are you fucking kidding me!?"

"I don't wanna be a hero anymore," Hiraku deadpanned, eyeing the boy like he was stupid. An irk mark formed on Katsuki's head as he grit his teeth in anger.

"You gotta be shitting me.. Have you lost your mind, Hiraku!? I can't believe you're just gonna give it all up! All of us are working our asses off to get where you are and you're just gonna fucking give it all up!? What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"You don't understand," Hiraku murmured as she looked at her feet, her annoyance at the boy rising.

"How can I fucking understand when you don't tell me anything!?"

"I don't want to talk about i–"

"Well, fuck! How am I supposed to fucking help, then!?" Katsuki cursed, frustrated and angry with the girl. " Why can't you listen to me Hiraku!? Stop being selfish!"

And just like that, something inside Hiraku snapped. It was something dark and nasty that Hiraku had been hiding inside her. She had not even known she said it until it was out of her mouth.

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