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"good morning everyone," Aizawa greeted his class that early morning. Some still looked like they were sleeping, others were surprisingly looking very excited. "Today we begin a rigorous round of reinforcement training."

Most of the class began to look more awake at their teacher's words. Katsuki on the other hand was looking around for his girlfriend.

'That idiot must've been still asleep.' he thought as he continued to listen to Aizawa's words.

"this trip's mission statement is to strengthen everyone's quirks as a whole, thereby allowing everyone to achieve their temporary licenses," he started, "this is preparation to stand against and up to live-action hostility and aggression from your enemy."

"prepare you hearts and minds. with that said," Aizawa stated, then he grabbed a familiar ball from his pocket. "bakugou, try throwing this."

Katsuki grabbed it from him and muttered, "This... is from the physical strength exam."

"your records indicate you recorded a toss of 705.2 meters, at the time of your admittance."  Aizawa looked at the boy who nodded, his eyes on th ball in his hand. "Let's see how much you've improved."

The class then began to feel wide awake, as they began muttering amongst themselves.

"Woah, a skill growth test!"

"These three months have been pretty intense...I'm calling over 1 km!"

"You got this, Bakubro!"

"Shut up, Shitty Hair!" Katsuki glared at his red-haired friend as he prepared to throw the ball. "Hup, and DROP DEAD!"

The class collectively sighed at his chosen vocabulary.

"709.6 meters."

Katsuki's eyes widened at the result, he narrowed his eyes at his hand angrily.

"Huh..? That's not even close to what we expected..."

"in three months, you have all gained a lot of experience. and of course, you have certainly grown." Aizawa looked at Katsuki who was now standing together with his classmates. "but that growth has been primarily emotional and technical. now the time has come to concentrate on physical advancement as well."

Everyone nodded in understanding at their teacher. Aizawa was right, due to their recent experiences they did not have any time to grow more physically. They were always caught up with something involving anything other than their training.

"as you can see, your 'quirks' themselves have only improved, at best, by a marginal amount..." Aizawa started, "so, starting today, we will focus on upgrading your quirks. i will be punishing you beyond your limits.." Aizawa smirked at the determintion on his students' eyes, as he continued to say, "so try not to kick the bucket on me.."

Everyone was about to go to their respective area, but they were interrupted by Kirishima who approached their teacher.

"Ne–sensei?" Aizawa looked at the boy, urging him to continue his question. "Where's Hiraku?"

The class had just noticed that the young pro hero was not with them. The girls started talking about not seeing said hero when they woke up.

Aizawa continued to look indifferent as he turned to face the mountains behind them.

"oh. she's already started her training."

Class 1-A raised their eyebrow at their teacher's statement when a loud thud could be heard from the mountains, followed by the sound of an object rolling down the mountain.

"Ah! Fuck! Stupid rock!"

Everyone sweat dropped as they turned to look at a smirking Katsuki.

"What're you looking at, losers!?"

"great, another bakugou."


At around 3pm, Hiraku had finally finished carrying all the rocks on top of the mountain. Her training consisted of strength training and lengthening her stamina. She needed to learn to carry heavier things, in order to maintain her portals longer.

She proceeded to teleport to where Aizawa was, once she was done with her task.

"Shota! I'm done! I finished carrying all the rocks!" she began as she approached her teacher. "I'm hungry~"

Aizawa shook his head at the girl and asked, "did you finish your laps?"

Hiraku playfully glared at the man as she said, "But I'm so tired and hungry! Can't I have a break?"

Aizawa nodded his head at her other classmates, making Hiraku face them. Her eyes lit up in determination, when she saw everyone working hard. She smiled warmly looking at her boyfriend who was currently cursing, while creating explosions.

"Fine! But I'm getting a burger after!"

Aizawa shook his head in amusement as the girl quickly teleported away.

After running 1000 laps around the forest, Hiraku collapsed on the ground in exhaustion. She stared at the darkening sky with a heavy breath. Her ears suddenly perked up when she heard a sound coming from the bush near her.

She slowly manifested a portal under her hand as she grabbed one of her guns. A figure slowly emerged as she stood up and raise her gun.

"Easy there, Ku. A gun shot wound is fucking painful."

"What the heck!?" Hiraku exclaimed with wide eyes. "What the heck are you doing here, Tou?"

"I thought you already knew about our plan," Dabi stated with an eyebrow raised. He crossed his arms as he eyed the girl who had already abandoned her gun. "You do know, don't you?"

"Duh! Of course I know." She neared the man as she lowered her voice. He was a villain and if they were caught together then she will be forced to fight him. "But what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be somewhere near the camp? This is literally super far from camp."

Dabi looked around as he grabbed Hiraku's shoulders gently. "You need to leave."


"There's been a change in our plan."

"What do you mean?" Hiraku asked with furrowed brows. "Please tell me what's going on, Tou."

"We've been asked to capture you."

"What the fuck."

"You've been spending way too much time with me," Dabi stated in amusement as he let the girl go,  "You gotta leave now."

"What? I- I can't!" she whisper-shouted with frantic eyes. "I can't just leave everyone here! They're all gonna be in danger tonight. They need me."

"We already have deal, remember?" Dabi reassured her, his eyes on her. "I don't have a fucking clue why they want us to capture you. And frankly, I'm really not that interested either."

"They won't catch me."

"I don't want to fight you, Ku." Dabi stated as he turned around. "But if you don't leave now, something bad is going to happen to you. "

"I'm stronger than you think, Tou," Hiraku stated as she pulled Dabi's sleeve to make him face her. "Do you trust me?"

Dabi closed his eyes in frustration as Hiraku gently placed her palm on his cheek.

"I don't want to lose you again, Ku."

"You're not."

"Please, just this once. Please listen to me, Skye." He opened his eyes to look at her as he grabbed both of her hands. "Please, leave."

"But my frie–"

"Don't worry. We had a deal, remember?"


Sorry if it's a bit short and no Katsuki-Hiraku interactions, but it's for Hiraku's further character development yall. More things are on the way for her lmao I actually feel sorry for her lol. Thank you for reading! <3

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