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A few weeks had passed since Hawks had asked Hiraku for her help. Fortunately, they were able to do their job perfectly. They were able to fake Jeanist's death successfully without a hitch.

Now, Hiraku was in her UA dorm room staring at her screen in horror. News had just arrived that twenty people had brought Deika City to the brink of ruin in just only fifty minutes.

Hiraku knew that even if she was there, she would not be able to do anything.

But she could not stop herself from somewhat thinking that she could have done something. Maybe if she was stronger she could ha—

"Hey." Hiraku raised her head and turned to the voice. As soon as she met Katsuki's eyes, his brows immediately furrowed as he asked, "What's wrong, Hira? What happened? Are you okay?"

Hiraku laughed softly as Katsuki crossed the room to embrace her, the boy immediately rubbing her back and kissing her forehead in comfort.

"I'm fine, Kat," she muttered into his chest, "Just a bit tired."

She could hear the boy sigh heavily as he continued to say, "That's why I always tell you that you gotta rest once in a while, babe."

Hiraku nodded her head as she reciprocated the embrace.

She would never stop thinking about the fact that she was very lucky that she had someone like Katsuki.

She frowned when she was reminded about her supposed fate.

Was is truly impossible for her to just live happily ever after with Katsuki? Why were the gods too cruel to her?

"D'you wanna go to class with us? Or wouldja rather stay here and sleep?" Katsuki had asked after a few minutes of silence.

Hiraku truly wanted for them to stay in that room forever.

In that way, the two of them would not be harmed and they could stay in each other's arms far longer than her fate had planned for her.

But she knew that she had her duties as a hero, and that was to think of others first. Civilians before herself.

The two broke off from the embrace as Hiraku said, "Nah, let's go outside. I wanna see you practice getting interviewed."

"What the heck are you talking about, woman?" Hiraku laughed at the boy's cluelessness.

And not a second later, Kirishima barged in on the two, exclaiming, "Come on, guys! We're gonna be late!"

"Shut the hell up, Shitty Hair!"

Hiraku laughed as the trio began walking toward the living area, with Hiraku in between the two, her hand on Katsuki's and her other arm lazily draped on Kirishima's shoulders.

Needless to say, the trio looked like a really odd couple but the rest of Class 1-A were already used to the three.

Once the three entered the classroom, they were quickly met by a laughing Sero and Kaminari who looked like they were watching something on their phone.

"Pfft." Hiraku covered her mouth, already knowing that the two were probably laughing at Katsuki and Shoto's latest interview.

The two were interviewed right after their spectacle on stopping those thieves just a few minutes after they got their hero licenses. Hiraku was supposed to be with them, but she refused to be in their interview because she did not want to steal the two's spotlight.

She was really glad she refused though, because she could laugh her ass off behind the camera while watching the two getting interviewed.

It made her think how bad her boyfriend was with interviews. It was even funnier when she finally saw the clip of the interview.

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