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The last round had already started, but Hiraku still remained close to Katsuki as she watched the remaining round. She was clinging on the boy's arm as she stood noiselessly beside him.

The two were silent as they stared at the screen in front of them. The atmosphere in the area was calm and serious.

Although it took a drastic turn when something odd was happening to Izuku, Hiraku furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at the black tendrils that began to sprout out of Izuku's arms. She turned to glance at her Jii-san, trying to find out what the heck was happening.

"Jii-san!" Hiraku ran to the horrified man, "That's not normal, is it?"

"No, I don't think it is," the man replied. "Aizawa-kun! Vlad! We should stop this! Something is wrong!"

"I'll go over there!" Hiraku stated, teleporting immediately to the area.

"hiraku! wait!"

She stood in one of the pipes overlooking the boy.

She watched as Uraraka floated to hold Izuku in her arms as the boy muttered, "I can't stop it..!"

"Uraraka!" she yelled, calling for the girl's attention. "Let him go! I'll stop him."

"No! Nakahara-san, he can't control it!" Uraraka held tightly on Izuku. "Shinso! Use your brainwashing to stop Deku!"

Hiraku was about to teleport closer when one of the tendrils suddenly shot out towards her, throwing the young pro hero onto the ground.

She grimaced as soon as she registered the pain engulfing her body. Her fatigued body could not even detect such an attack, which meant that Hiraku seriously needed rest.

'Dammit, that was so embarrassing..!'

She remained on the ground even after Shinso used his quirk to stop Izuku.

Hiraku was not only embarrassed from her uselessness, but she also could not move her body. She stayed there until the two teams kept on fighting each other. She stared at the sky, wondering if someone knew that she was still there.

Her question was answered a few minutes later by an annoyed Aizawa who stated, "this is why you shouldn't ignore what i tell you."

Aizawa, Vlad, and All Might were standing over her from a pipe above. It seemed the three were there to put a stop to the last round, but have yet to do so since the fight was still going on.

"Help me..." Hiraku mumbled with a fake sobbing voice. "I don't know if you can see it, but I think I've been impaled."

Aizawa sighed in annoyance, finally seeing the blood pooling beneath the girl. She had a pipe impaled on the lower side of her abdomen.

If it was any other person, Aizawa would have been worried, but Hiraku had a healing quirk so he was not that worried.

"i'll get her." he jumped down, pulling the girl carefully from the pipe beneath her. He used his binding cloth to stop the bleeding and proceeded to carry the girl in his arms. "just stay put until the end of the last round."

Hiraku nodded with a grimace, not being able to talk anymore because of the pain. She was exhausted and because of that, her body was healing the wound incredibly slow.

She did not even notice she fainted until she heard Midnight's voice announcing Class A as the winner. She was still in Aizawa's arms when Shinso approached him.

"Mr. Aizawa, Mr. Vlad... I couldn't do anything on my own. I'm still too weak." He looked at the two teachers glumly. "This was also supposed to be my transfer exam, wasn't it?"

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