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Hiraku's world came crashing down in the span of a few weeks. When she attended Nighteye's funeral it had only cemented the fact that he was really gone.

She lost a sister and a father, and she could go on and on about how it was her fault, but she knew that it would not change anything. They were gone and there was nothing she could do.

Katsuki had told her that the only thing she could do is try her best to save as much people as she could. And that was what she was going to do.

Instead of wallowing in self pity and guilt, Hiraku would work harder to bring down the villains that endangered the people she cared about.

She was still upset, that was not going away anytime soon, but the fact that she had a lot of people around her, made her feel better. It made her happy that after everything she had done, there were still people who loved her unconditionally.

Hiraku looked at herself one last time in the mirror with a small smile, before going outside her dorm room.

Aizawa had given her one of the empty dorm rooms in Heights Alliance, which she was glad to have since she did not want to stay in her room. She thought it still had a lot of memories that made her cry.

When she stepped into the common area she immediately scowled at the mocking tone in her boyfriend's voice.

"What the hell are you wearing, babe? You gonna ask Nezu to give you a teachin' job or somethin'?" Katsuki smirked as he eyed Hiraku's suit.

She was wearing a dark suit with dark shoes. Hiraku usually dressed casually, so seeing her dressed in a professional suit looked a bit odd. And it would seem that Katsuki had made a point to make fun of her.

"Ha-ha you're so funny, Kat." Hiraku rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms with a frown, which only made Katsuki laugh as he pointed at her.

"Where are you going, Hiraku?" Kirishima asked her, eyeing the girl with curious eyes.

It was early in the morning and everyone was still preparing to go to their classes, so Kirishima thought it was odd that Hiraku was not dressed in her UA uniform. He did not think she was going out onto the field anytime soon though.

Hiraku huffed as she slammed her hand at the back of Katsuki's neck and said, "I'm going to the commissioner's office to request for a transfer."

Kirishima deadpanned as he looked at his friend who was now on the ground holding his stomach from laughing too hard, shaking his head he asked, "Transfer? To where?"

"Endeavour's agency," Hiraku said with the most unbothered look as she started kicking her boyfriend, "Nigh-- Um.. My agency can't really do any missions right now, so I'm gonna go to another one temporarily."

He was about to protest and ask her if she was ready, but seeing how she was interacting with everyone, Kirishima knew that it only made the girl anxious not being out doing hero work.

He knew how much Hiraku loved saving people and he would support her with her decisions.

Kirishima could only grimace as he looked at the two. Katsuki was still on the ground laughing, his arms shielding his body from his girlfriend's violent kicks. Kirishima could see the smile on Hiraku's face and it made him happy knowing that she was gradually getting better.

He noticed that she had started to talk more as well, but she still spaces out sometimes. Although Kirishima had noticed that whenever she would get silent and stare into space, Katsuki would immediately appear and start teasing her.

At first Kirishima thought that it would make things worse, but it turns out whenever Katsuki does this it would irritate Hiraku and then it would turn into banter that ultimately ends with Hiraku laughing.

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