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After an hour of apprehending criminals, Hiraku immediately teleported back to the arena. She had landed back to where she was with Hawks before and she noticed that he had left. Her ears perked at Present Mics booming voice.

"Awww, Uraraka..." She narrowed her eyes, noticing the smoke and seeing Uraraka getting carried by a stretcher. She deduced that it must've been one on one battles and Uraraka had just lost. "Uhh, oh, yeah, Bakugou breaks past the first round."

Her eyes widened as she silently cursed at herself. She had missed a lot of matches and she had missed Katsuki's as well. "if you're gonna do it, do it right.." Hearing Aizawa's commentaries, she started looking at the tunnel, finally seeing Katsuki's back.

"All right, now that I've collected myself the first round is now over!! We'll get right back to it after a short break!"

"aren't you supposed to be impartial." She teleported immediately to where she thinks Katsuki would walk to, her friends' voices echoing through her portal as she stepped outside of it.

She immediately looked around, then walked to where she could hear Katsuki yelling, probably at Izuku. She turned the corner, finally seeing the boy she had been looking for.

"Hey," she greeted the boy, but she was taken a back by the boys reaction.

"Get out of my way." He continued walking ahead of her. His back to her.

"Katsuki wait let me expla—" She tried to tell him why she had ignored him the past week, but he had immediately cut her off.

"Explain what!? That you've been ignoring me cause you think I'm weak!? You think I'm inferior to you!?" He turned around harshly, his eyes filled with nothing but anger and maybe a hint of sadness.

"No! It's not like tha—"

"Did you train with that Ice guy? Huh!? You think he's better than me!?" Hiraku's eyes widened at his statement, quickly denying it.

"Katsuki no! Please just liste—"

"No! I'm fed up with you and all your secrets! You always do this! You do something and then suddenly you disappear,and then you come back like nothing happened! You always do this!" She could literally feel his anger radiating off of him with the way he had clenched his hand. She couldn't see his face anymore, he was looking at the ground and she could see his shoulders shaking. Probably from anger. And right now she was terrified that this could be the end of their relationship."I give up. If you don't think I'm worthy to be your friend, then don't."

"Katsuki just liste—"

"Listen!? To what!? Your lies!? No. No. Not anymore. Just—please just leave me alone." He sighed as he looked at her direction, feeling defeated and ultimately avoiding her eyes. He started walking and she stopped him as she gently held his arm in place.

"Katsuki, please. Look at me Kat. Please." She could see him close his eyes in frustration as he slowly looked up at her. She could see that he wasn't really mad. Instead she saw that he looked hurt. She pursed her lips, her heart breaking at the sight of his once bright red eyes turn to a dull shade."Katsuki I—"

Her words were lost in her mouth as the boy immediately looked away, gently pulling his arm away from Hiraku and turning around. "Don't talk to me ever again."

And just like that. Hiraku could feel her world crumble before her eyes. She had just lost her friend. And she wasn't even mad at him. She was mad at herself for ignoring him. She never knew that that was how Katsuki felt about her disappearing every now and then. She never thought that he would feel weak. She thought nothing about his feelings, because she thought he was strong. She thought that he'd be at least stronger than her. Of course he wasn't. He was just a normal kid, unlike her. She didn't consider how he'd feel about her saying those things about his quirk. She didn't think that it would make him insecure. It hurt. It hurt more than getting electrocuted for an hour. It hurt more than getting her stomach blown off by that Nomu. Right now, she literally felt like she had lost everything. She inhaled hard as she bit her lip, trying very hard not to cry. But failing miserably after a few seconds.

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