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Early december came in a flash. It was Sunday morning when Class A saw a glimpse of the snow from outside.

Almost everyone in Class A were excited about the snow, except for the two students who were taking their provisional license exams.

"They should be in the middle of the test now, right? I wonder if they're okay..." Iida casually stated, walking into the common area.

"They must be fine! Bakugo-kun has been in a good mood lately, although he's still foul!"

"It must be Naka-chan's influence!"

Everyone laughed at Kaminari's statement.

It was slightly true, because ever since Hiraku had come into their lives, Katsuki had become more mild and calm. She was a bit much sometimes, but they knew she was a good person and a somewhat good influence sometimes.

Hiraku sneezed loudly, furrowing her brows before muttering, "What the hell?"

"Don't tell me you're getting sick, you brat?" Endeavor questioned with a sneer.

Hiraku was currently inside Endeavor's office.

Although it was common that high ranking heroes would get their own private offices, Endeavor refused to get Hiraku one. He knew that the girl would just slack off and procrastinate on her paper work.

"Bitch, I don't get sick!" Hiraku glared at the older hero, rubbing her nose. "Tsk, maybe I'm allergic to your shitty attitude."

Before Endeavor could hit the girl with a fire blast, she was already gone.

Hiraku grinned, teleporting just outside the window to see an angry Endeavor inside his office. She was about to teleport back inside when she suddenly felt a chill behind her back, then a huge explosion resounded in her ears.

She used tiny portals around the city to see where the familiar explosion came. Her eyebrows rose as soon as she found the source.

It seemed Shoto and Katsuki had received their licenses and were now using it to fight some thieves on the street.

Hiraku teleported just above the newly arrived pro hero, using her portal as a platform to stand above them and overlook the area.

She tched seeing the area, irritated at the state of it.

She raised an eyebrow when the pro hero suddenly hugged the two boys and said, "You did everything pefectly! That's remarkable! I can't believe you're still only students! Thank you! Thank you! You're sure to become top heroes in the futu--"

"Perfect my ass," Hiraku commented, finally revealing herself. She fell gracefully on the ground, an irritated look on her face. "What the hell do the both of you think you're doing?"


"That's Asra to you." she teleported behind the two and slammed her hand in the back of their head. "And you! Sliding! How can you compliment these idiots for the mess they made?"

Sliding awkwardly smiled, slightly terrified of the number 3 hero's intimidating look.

"What are you talking about, woman!? We did a perfect job!" Hiraku glared at Katsuki, shutting him up instantly. Katsuki knew that he should not be thinking this, but he could not help but think that Hiraku looked hot when she was like this.

"Hey, Hira.. Cut them some slack, they just got their licenses after all." All Might approached the trio, placing his hands on top of Katsuki and Shoto's head. "Besides, these two were amazing. I saw everything."

Hiraku groaned and said, "Fine!" she pointed her fingers at the two, "But next time, try to do a less messy job. I mean come on Sho, did you not think about what your ice could hit?"


"And Kat! Don't just explode things willy nilly, you could hit someone from the debris." Katsuki crossed his arms, turning away from the girl with an irritated look. "I know it's all well and good to catch the criminal, but you gotta remember to always put the civilians' lives and safety first."

The two boys eyed the girl who had started approaching the civilians around. The two sometimes forget that she was the number 3 hero, and although she acted like a kid sometimes, she was a pro hero and she knew how to do her job perfectly.

"Don't feel bad about what Hiraku said, I'm sure she's just worried about you too." All Might smiled, glancing at his niece as well. "She's always been a perfectionist and always put others before her first."

"Tch. I know that," Katsuki mumbled under his breath, glancing at his girlfriend.

He also knew that she had been a little stressed out because of her missions. She did not elaborate on what her missions were, but she never forgets to tell him how they were doing. And right now, her missions were not that fruitful.

"Is anyone hurt?" Hiraku asked the crowd who had surrounded her. "Anyone with some scrapes or cuts, come to me!"

Katsuki was confused with Hiraku's statement. Why would she want the injured people to go to her?

His question was answered when a slighly scraped woman approached the girl. He was even more confused when she saw Hiraku cut her fingers and rubbed her blood all over the woman's cut.

"There! All better!" Hiraku grinned brightly.

"What the!? Hiraku, what the hell was that!?" Katsuki exclaimed, grabbing the girl's shoulders to turn her to face him.

"First of all, I told you it's Asra to you, Kat," she deadpanned, "And that was my quirk."

"Hi-hira! Young Bakugo is right, what was that?" All Might asked, approaching Hiraku with Shoto by his side just as shocked as the duo.

"Oh. Did I never mention I could do that?" she asked, confused. "Well, it's not really amazing or anything, but since I can control my cells, I can just use it to heal others. I can only heal small injuries though."

"Why didn't you tell anyone!? Have you always known you could do that?"

"Uh- yeah, I think my quirk evolved after my encounter with AFO."

All Might and Katsuki sweatdropped, eyeing the girl who was looking at them like they were stupid. They were seriously rethinking their thoughts about the girl's seriousness just a few minutes ago.

'Seriously! This idiot!' Katsuki thought, annoyed.

They were then suddenly interrupted by Shoto who had loudly gasped.

"i think i know why you're in a bad mood, ku," Shoto came closer to Hiraku, his hand on one of her shoulder, "you have you're period today, don't you?"

Katsuki and All Might winced, turning away from the two. Because as soon as the words left Shoto's mouth, Hiraku did not hesitate to drop kick the dual-haired boy.

"You better watch what you say, Sho." Hiraku smiled menacingly, a tick mark appearing on her forehead.


Hiiiiii!!! Sorry if it's a filler chapter! I also just want to showcase that Hiraku can be scary and intimidating lmao Neways, since I write in advance, I just want to tell yall that we are seriously nearing the end omg!!!

Thank you for reading! <3

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